My Book Of Life

Mar 2010
5:56 PM EDT

My boyfriend and I broke up yesterday, and wow today I been fighting with myself so much to not talk to him. I just want to call him up and be like baby im sorry, i want you back. Im sorry for breaking up with you i dont care of the distance I need you soo bad ): ! But then i stop myself because I know I want someone better for myself. I couldnt deal with the distance anymore /:! It hurts to accept it but I had to.. I just had too.. I was with him for 6 wonderful months. He was the best boyfriend I've ever had and thats why it's so hard to move on. Maybe in time things would get better? I just feel so lonley rite now.. I want him but I cant have him anymore.. I gotta move on no matter how hard it hurts. Man/: !

I'm really not the type to be acting like this over a guy, but he has some great power over me.. and well now its no WE. It cant ever be again /: Sad, but its reality..

Well besides that I been good actually.. I dnt really feel like talking.. soo idk ? I'll write on yuu some other time /: ...
Karyna </33
2 comment(s) - 08:41 PM - 03/29/2010

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  • Username: shootingstar420
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - California
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