My Book Of Life

Dec 2009
11:29 AM EDT

So it's finally christmas time <3 And it's been a long year that passed by in an instant. So much has happen during this year.. Great Things, as well As Horrible things. But you know you gotta make the best out of everything no matter how tough it is. So this is the first christmas i spend without my mother. and it;s been about 6 weeks since she passed away. I lie to myself and say she went on a very long vacation hoping that she'd be back.But i cnt lie to myself like this you know..� Yesterday we went to go decorate her tomb, and it ended up looking very pretty. I just hope she's happy and knows that we will try our best to continue living.. i know its going to be hard but everything I do is not only gona be for me. but everything i do is gonna be for my mom. I wana make her proud, and Mommy, Merry christmas. :) I know it was ur fav holiday and i hope your having a great time in heaven <33 Watch over me please. I love you with all my heart :)
�Rest in peace Mamacita<3 :]

So, my life is going pretty good right now. I have tough days but i get over them. On wednesday is 3 months with my boyfriend:) and I can say i never been happier with anyone hehe. He just makes me feel so special and I really do like him alot. I cant say love yet but i like him sooo much! <33 :) he makes me happy.. !� I finally cleared out my feelings and I do wana be with him. I dont want anyone else, hes been there for me thru so much.. he just encourages me and i love him for that.. We have our fights, but we have been trying to fight less and we have.. But you know.. sometimes i have my doubts of being with him.. But im crazy.. Hes perfect what else can i ask for :)

It's winter break, today was the first day.. ohh and omg on saturday i went to some theater in glendale to go see the gay men choir <33 and oh my� they sing perfect ! i love how they sing and its cool how they raised money just for our school to go watch them perform!! I feel loved hehe.. I took a pic with some kute gay guy hehe and it was a great day hehe.

But yeah ima go eat my typical mexican breakfast lol. beans hahaha..

ttyl <33

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  • Username: shootingstar420
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - California
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