My Book Of Life

Nov 2009
3:50 PM EDT


Feelings fade over time don't they. Hmm. Well if I'm in a relationship and still thinking about my ex what does that mean.. Idk? I guess I'm still hoping that my ex has some kind of feelings for me, I'm hoping that our feelings for each other would come back again. But i really dont know whats going on in my head right now. When I talk to my bf its perfect. I forget about everyone and just think about me and him. But when I'm just thinking about anything out of the blue, my ex comes to mind. Honestly, Im emotionally attracted to my current bf, and I'm physically & emotionally attracted to my ex. But I mean he's moved on and I can't like him. Agh? I'm confused. See even right now why am i not thinking about my bf. Maybe its because I want my ex back.�

Well Have i told you that my bf now is my ex's friend. Slutish huh! Ugh. I think thats why i keep our relationship kind of a secret. I'm honestly scared that if he finds out hes gona be hurt. I mean if i was in his shoes and he would began dating a friend of mine i would be like wtf!! Aghh i would be pissed and not be able to talk to them ever again!

"Just Move On" i tell myself. "Don't worry about other peoples happiness but your own" I repeat to myself. but I can't. I dont know if My bf is the right person I should be with. I need my bf, but i want my ex...

♥Happy thanksgiving..� I miss you mommy.. take care <333


1 comment(s) - 11:33 PM - 12/02/2009

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  • Username: shootingstar420
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - California
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