My Book Of Life

Nov 2009
9:41 PM EDT


It's been a while hasn't it.. hmm.. but during theses last few weeks.. I've experienced the worst thing in my whole life. My mom passed away.. and I can't tell you how bad that hurts.. you see it all started one day before halloween on the 30th. Everything was perfect, a normal day with my mom until the night. I couldn't hear her crying.. because when I go to sleep i sleep like a baby. So as soon as my dad came he took her to the hospital because she kept throwing up.. and her stomach hurted.. I couldn't believe it when my aunt called early in the morning telling me if i know how my mom was.. I was like umm idk they weren't home when i woke up so im not sure.. and she told me that my mom went to the doctor because she was really sick.. and i couldnt go back to sleep.. i waited for an hour in the living room just waiting for my mom to get back.. and nothing.. people kept calling and calling which was making me even more nervous.. i called my dad and he said she was ok? but i heard something in his voice which i knew he was lying.. An hour later my mom called me.. She sounded so sick.. i never heard her sound like this.. She told me to call veri and i did and as soon as i told veri she came from worj and we headed to the hospital.. we went and i saw her and she looked really sick.. The doctor came in to tell us she had diabetes and her blood sugar was extremly high.. when he was telling us what was wrong with her..

i remember thinking to myself.. "we are going to have to make extreme changes in our life.. I dont want her to get even sicker".. I stayed all day with her.. didn't leave the hospital at all.. they had to transfer her to another hospital and she asked me to go with her and of course i wanted to go with her.. we went to san francis and I was with her.. she kept throwing up.. and I hated seeing like that.. Stupid nurses never came to help her once.. i called and no response.. the nurse before said i couldnt stay because i was underage.. i wanted to stay so bad i didnt want to leave her... i didnt want to go when i knew she was like that.. i feel guilty.. as if i could have done something to help her..... :( the next morning.. the doctor came in and said she was worst that it seemed.. they automatically took her into intensive care.. when i saw her.. she had so many machines on her... it hurt so bad.. who knew that , that was the last time i would ever talk to her again.. she begged me and screamed at me to take the machines off... she called me over and held my hand tight and told me "no llores ok"� and when she said that tears begain to roll down my cheek.. and i softly nodded.. " okay" i said sobbing..� that was the last conversation i had with her...

things started to get worse.. before we knew it she was in a comma.. n then a day later.. she was declared brain dead.. when i found out was when i was in the car.. i saw jose crying.. and� i asked what happened and he told me she was brain dead... that teared my heart.. i began to cry and cry.. and so did my dad.. i remember my dads words.. he told me " ya sabes el valor que es una madre.." that brought me into more tears..

Im sorry mommy... im sorry for being such a horrible daughter never helping out.. always fighting with you.. never appreciating the person you were.. im sorry ... im sorry im sorry... i never got to tell you how much i love you!! you mean more to me than anyone in this whole universe!! I never thought youd go away like this i hate it.. i need you... i want you.. i cant live without you.... i still feel this is a dream... i feel like its a horrible nightmare that i cant wake up from.. i want to wake up... but i cant.. its a never ending nightmare...�

those words left unspoken to you... those times i got you mad... those times i behaved bad... im sorry.. im sorry.. im sorry.... i cnt tell you how much im sorry.. im lonely.. you were the only person who honestly was always there for me.. i know i complained at times but you were the perfect mother... i will remmeber you everyday of forever.. n i promise you mommy ima make you proud.. i want to soo bad.. i wish you were here with me though.. and its gonna be harder on me since im the youngest of your 3 kids... i need you more than they do..

Im motherless now.. she will be in my heart forever but i want her physically with me.. but this is no dream... it reality..

and reality is cruel........

1 comment(s) - 12:51 AM - 11/25/2009

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  • Username: shootingstar420
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - California
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