My Book Of Life

Sep 2009
7:57 PM EDT


Hey. Its been a while hasnt it.. well soo many new things to tell you about and ill just tell you what i can remember lol.. So high school started.. and Its awsome! i love it hehe :) Im having a blast i love all my classes and everyone is cool :). I have drama and i love it hehe. Ima be dancing thriller and this is halloween which im excited about! Well theres cute guys but ehh not really interested.. oh and yes i broke up with Ricky.. :0 its been a while though.. and ehh hes such a bitch.. gosh!�i hate him.. :/ all he said was Alrite. wen i broke up with him.. that was all he fricken said! like he didnt even try to fight for me at all.. shows how much he cared :/ but fuck it.. I can do better than him! Gosh!!�xP and im talking to his friend.. and he already told me that he liked me so its like whata hell..? i shouldnt be tlking to him if he likes me.. but no i continue to talk to him.. hes a kool guy.. and yesterday hes like ay did you tell ricky and i was like no why and hes like cus he just txted me saying ay are you trying to get at my ex? and hes like nah we are just friends.. and do you know what fucken ricky said! hes Liike "well you can get with her.. i dont care.." Ohhh and that seriously.. ughh i cnt tell u how much i fucken hate him now.. hes such an ughh idk gosh! like i cnt tell you how much i do! But then i still kinda like him in some sort of way.. so its like love overcomes hate but i dont love him anymore..� i dont think i ever did! and u know sometimes i think all he fucken wants is SEX! like he was just a horney bastard wanting to get everyone laid!!! Ughh.. wait.. this is too mean.. :/ gosh idk i just really dont know anything.. im over all this ricky things i moved on already!!! And im happy.. :] i gotta find myself a high school hubby lol.. :]

Ah.. this monday was horrible.. :( Miguel has cancer.. :( ughh why hiim god! why him!! what did he do wrong! huh... hes just a little kid.. a little baby! why does it have to be him! why do u cause him pain :( ahh i culdnt help but cry.. wen i found out.. its not fair! its not fricken fair to him! hes so small ! with a bright future! and why does he have to have cancer at the age of 6! All people say is have faith in god.. but what if having faith in god isnt enough! i need a miracle to happen!!

shootingstar420's Profile

  • Username: shootingstar420
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - California
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