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My Book Of Life
Jul 2007
6:42 PM EDT
hey wass up well 2day i just stayed at home b-cuz i didnt feel like coming outside
well im not that sore no more my legs just hurt and im just bored.
i made three new desgns my favorites are the three new ones cool huh
i really want to grow up and be a fashion designer
it my dream and i am gonna fufill it i have to finish my dreams
i still have a long rode ahead but i know im gonna accomplish my dream i just know it
well anyways what else can i say. ohhh ohhh ohhh u know im still wondering
what's better reality or fantasy???
well im still not sure b-cuz i havent lived my fantasy life as reality
but im waiting for that day to come cuz i really want to find out
i dont want to be left wondering all of this for a long time
i want to figure it out and i will someday
right now im wondering what is he aka omar thinking of right now or what is he doing
Is He thinking of me???
i wonder all of these things and cant find the answer
hey on saturday the family is going to alex's house and im gonna check if he has a
myspace cuz alex told me he supposably went on myspace but im not sure
but ill be super duper happy if he does ill be really but really happy
U know.............................. Does he love me????? Does he ever think of me??
Why cant i just freeze time or read his mind and ill find out??
i want to built a time machine and go back to the past
i wonder is he really the one.........................................
why him all my luv for him causes me pain and im scared
im scared of faceing reality im really scared
i wish i was diffrent at some times
but i like my self and then i dont
when i walk out of that door i wish he could say dont go I LOVE YOU and then pull me into his arms
thats my dream i at least want to talk to him
do u know listening to the song when you are gone by avril lavigne it makes me think
of him and i laugh but im in pain
if only he knew the pain he causes me people think im ok but they havent seen me deep down inside im in pain i suffer im scared i just want someone to hold me in their arems and say everything is gonna be ok dont worry im here for you I LOVE YOU
but i know that is just my fantasy world. and who knows this may become reality or will stay just my fantatsy T-T
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