敦敦告诉我,不管啥社会,完全自由的模式是不灵光的。人类依赖‘领袖’来为他们做重要的决定,并且希望这个决定是正确的,但事实上,一旦这个决定是人做的,就有可能是正确的,也有可能是错误的,或者只是随机的一种选择。所以人类选择一个坐在云彩上吃梅子三明治的家伙从天上瞧着他们,并帮他们做出‘明智’的决定。 人类并不喜欢真正意义上的自由。人类社会形形色色的宗教就证明了人类的这种本能的依赖性。
Leo said while lying comfortably on the sofa, “The idea of total freedom will never work, basically people need leaders to make the right choices, the wrong choices, and everything in between. The reason religions exist is because people want the right decisions made and guess what there”s a guy sitting in the clouds eating a plum sandwich doing just that. And he even sends his sonny boy down to Earth and let’s us kill him just to show how much he loves us. This is the basis of all of religions.”