18 Jan 2009
昨天是寒å‡åŽçš„第一个周末,敦敦招æ¥äº†ä¸€å¸®åŒå¦å’Œå°ä¼™ä¼´ï¼Œä¿å§†æ”¾å‡ï¼Œè€å¨˜æˆ‘摩拳擦掌,出马åšé¥ï¼Œäº‰å–喂饱这三头å°ç‰›å’Œä¸¤åªè€é¼ 。食谱里除了æ„粉和沙拉,还有åŒå¦å¦ˆå¦ˆå¸¦æ¥çš„樱桃和蛋挞,å†åŠ 上敦敦自己买æ¥é¥®æ–™å’Œè–¯ç‰‡ï¼Œå°å®¶ä¼™ä»¬çŽ©çš„尽兴åƒå¾—开心。
智利产的樱桃å“质很好,我们没èˆå¾—åƒå®Œï¼Œæ”¾åœ¨æ¡Œå上的一åªç›˜å里,希望敦爹明早出差回æ¥å¯ä»¥å°å°é²œã€‚一大早,敦爹一进门,å°çŒ«ä¹è‚¥å¤§é—¹å¤©å®«çš„残迹呈现在他的眼å‰ã€‚樱桃的把被ä¹è‚¥ä¸€ä¸ªä¸ªå°å¿ƒåœ°å’¬æŽ‰ï¼Œæ¨±æ¡ƒè¢«å®ƒåƒäº†ä¸€åŠï¼Œå…¶ä½™çš„全散è½åœ°ä¸‹å½“çƒè¸¢ï¼Œè–¯ç‰‡ç›’çš„ç›–å被咬开,薯片大é¤åŽè¿˜å‰©äº†å‡ 片在沙å‘底下。
难怪ä¹è‚¥ä»Šå¤©æ—©ä¸Šæ²¡ä¸ºå¼€é¥å–µå–µï¼ŒåŽŸæ¥è‡ªå·±æå‰è¿›å…¥å…±äº§ä¸»ä¹‰äº†ã€‚跟敦敦认真讨论了ä¹è‚¥æœ€è¿‘的表现,总结一下得出结论,ä¹è‚¥ä»—ç€æˆ‘ä»¬å¯¹å®ƒçš„å® çˆ±ï¼Œä¸ä»…è…åŒ–å •è½ï¼Œè€Œä¸”æ¸æ¸æ¼”å˜æˆè´ªå©ªè‚†æ— 忌惮,å·æŠ€ç™»å³°é€ æžï¼Œæ‰‹æ®µæ— æ³•æ— å¤©ã€‚ä¸ºäº†å¼˜æ‰¬æ£æ°”,压倒邪气,我敦促敦敦使用法律的æ¦å™¨ï¼Œäº‰å–æ¢å¤é™ˆå®¶çš„åŽå¥¥è¿æ–°ç§©åºã€‚
æ•¦æ•¦è§‰å¾—è´£æ— æ—贷,10分钟åŽï¼Œé™ˆå¤§å¾‹å¸ˆå°±æŠŠåˆšæ‹Ÿè®¢çš„法律è‰æ¡ˆå‘ˆç»™äº†æ³•å®˜è€å¨˜ã€‚
Federal Laws of Felines within the Premises of the Chan Family
Rules of Execution:
1.���������������� A pardon may be issued through a meeting of the Council-Leo Chan, Rollin Chan and Shirley Xu. Outcomes shall be decided through voting.
2.���������������� Suspect is innocent until proven guilty.
3.���������������� Final decision is made in court. Members of the council or that of the outside world may choose to stand at suspect’s defense.
4.���������������� No alterations shall be made after court meeting unless new evidence proves suspect to be innocent.
Crime and punishment:
Thievery- The act of destroying the defense of an object which does not belong to one and taking for ones purpose. This does not include objects left out in the open. The harshness of punishment will be determined by the identity of the object and its value.
Cat food: 10 slaps to the bottom.
Fish: 15 slaps to the bottom.
Other such as Berries: as decided by the council.
Harm- To cause pain to any organism. Harshness shall be decided by condition of victim.
No bleeding: 5 raps to the bottom
Bleeding: 50 slaps to the bottom.
Death: No water or food for 2 days.
l������ The suspect may be released if provoked. Excluding death.