shirleyxu's Journal

May 2008
8:24 AM EST

Dear All,

I want to share the follwing article (written by a freind) with you.

At 2:28 in the afternoon, we all stopped... I mean "we" all
stopped... almost every human being in China stopped and bowed our
heads... ships at sea stopped and all personnel arrived on deck...
factories stopped and all personnel took off their hats and lowered
their heads... police, army, TV personnel , people on the street,
rescuers in the quake zone, children in the schools, young adults in
the universities, business men in the fortune towers of Shanghai,
heads of state and those that govern stopped... all of China came to a
stand still... and we all collectively lowered our heads... and the
warning sirens across this big diverse country sounded... they
screamed a mournful tone for the dead and dying... for the children
without families... for the heroes that gave their lives that one or
two other people might have a chance to live... for the school
teachers buried beneath the devastation, clutching their students in
an eternal embrace... for the old soldier covered in dust and soot
carrying one last baby to safety... each with tears streaming furrows
across their grief etched faces... for the kind ones giving most of
the little they have to perhaps effect some positive impact on the
broken heart of China. Never have I seen a country so caught up in the
fever of free enterprise and capital gain revert to the fundamental
good that is near the heart of all mankind...
�Not a sound except the screaming wail of the sirens... from the
Yellow sea to the borders of Macho... from the North Western stretches
of arid Xinjiang to the lush greenery of Kunming, from the frigid
reaches of Heilongjiang to the tropics of Hainan...all of China
silently wept.
As the mournful tone subsided we all turned from this moment back to
the task at hand... but with a melancholy that will not soon be
removed nor a resolve that will soon be daunted...
�If you ever wondered about the Chinese people and the "stuff" they
are made of... I tell you, it is the grandest stuff... an unflinching
commitment to a better tomorrow and a will to face adversity as a
people... as a nation.
�So those of you in this big, big country that value life by the money
gained and the scam that you can inflict on your fellow man, you have
no lasting place here... you will be ferreted out and displaced by
better men... a better people... people who's values have been proven
by fire... people made of a forged steel that will bend but will not
break... the Chinese of today and their heirs of tomorrow...this is
the stuff that China is made of...nothing more... nothing less...

shirleyxu's Profile

  • Username: shirleyxu
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: China
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    SHIRLEYXU's Interests:

    About Me: teaching in medical schools in the past 20 years

    Interests: 1)brainstorming with my 9 year old son; 2)sharpenning my husband mind by arguing with him when necessary; 3) loyal funs of Liu Xiang

    Favorite Music: I want to spend my life time loving you

    Favorite Movies: Gone with the wind

    Favorite Television: 第一财经,

    Favorite Books: All books by Charles Dickens