shirleyxu's Journal

May 2008
11:12 AM EST



�� 每天跟看四川大地震的滚动新闻,我告诉敦敦,毁灭性地震的破坏性极大,有很多孩子在瞬间失去自己的双亲,成为无依无靠的孤儿,敦敦的第一反应是请求家里领养一个地震孤婴,他强调,我们要尽量不让小婴儿知道自己是被领养的,让他/她跟我一样在好的环境下健康长大。我知道您们年龄老了一些,我长大后会承担照顾这个弟弟或妹妹的责任, 如果是个弟弟,我长大一定会挣钱给他买一个PSP. 如果是个妹妹,我们叫她Ashley,这是个好名字。孩子的讲法虽然天真,但不失人性逻辑。晚上我把埋头做作业的敦敦叫出来,看了一分钟震后遗孤的画面。敦敦默默地走回书房写下下面的文字。大人不懂孩子的感受,更无法真正明白这些孤儿们当时的心境。看过敦敦的文字,我似乎明白了。


The loneliness in orphan’s eyes


� I watched the news of earthquake and told Don Don that the damage of the earthquake is huge and many children lost their parents within seconds and became orphan and had no one to depend on. The first reaction from Don Don is to ask me to consider adopting a baby orphan, he emphasized that we should try our best to make him or her believe he or she is our family member and he or she should grow up in a good environment together with me.� I can take responsibility of he or she when I grow up. If he is a little brother, I shall try earning money to buy him a PSP and if she is a girl, we can call her Ashley, a good name for a girl.� The comment from a child is full of human logic. I call him from his homework to watch the poor orphan for about 2 minutes; Don Don went back to his study room and wrote the following words. An adult can’t know the feelings of a child and it's difficult for us to understand how those orphans felt at that particular moment. �But I seem understand more after I read the Don Don’s words.�




The living dead are walking shells of their long-lost selves. They are the victims of the greatest death, the death of soul. They walk and seem normal, but when you look in their eyes, they are blank. The pain destroyed their soul and froze their mind in mindless panic. The curse of loneliness is upon them, with no one to understand them, no one to experience with them, no one to truly be with them.


(哀大莫过心死��� 心死了的人是失去灵魂的行走躯壳,他们是最大的死亡,灵魂死亡的牺牲品。他们能行走,看似正常,但当你观察他们的眼睛,双眼是全无表情的。痛苦毁灭了他们的灵魂,把他们的思维冰冻在无知觉的恐惧之中。他们被孤独所苦。没人能理解他们,没人能体会他们的痛苦,没人能真正地和他们在一起。)

shirleyxu's Profile

  • Username: shirleyxu
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: China
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    SHIRLEYXU's Interests:

    About Me: teaching in medical schools in the past 20 years

    Interests: 1)brainstorming with my 9 year old son; 2)sharpenning my husband mind by arguing with him when necessary; 3) loyal funs of Liu Xiang

    Favorite Music: I want to spend my life time loving you

    Favorite Movies: Gone with the wind

    Favorite Television: 第一财经,

    Favorite Books: All books by Charles Dickens