这个星期对敦敦æ¥è¯´æ˜¯å…·æœ‰åŽ†å²æ„义的,敦敦第一次在朋å‹å®¶ç•™å®¿ä¸€å‘¨ã€‚美滋滋地å“å°ç€ç¦»å¼€å®¶çš„滋味。他从ä¸ä¸»åŠ¨æ‰“电è¯ç»™æˆ‘们,倒让我们二è€æœ‰ç‚¹å…ç¥žæ— ä¸»ï¼Œæ‰¾ä¸ç€æ„Ÿè§‰ã€‚å©å的感觉很æ£ï¼Œæ˜ŸæœŸä¸‰æˆ‘们厚脸皮地邀请他们两个å°æœ‹å‹å¿™é‡Œå·é—²å›žå®¶æ¥åƒé¡¿æ™šé¥ï¼Œæˆ‘抓机会想跟他们多èŠèŠå¤©ï¼Œæ•¦æ•¦ç¤¼è²Œåœ°å‘Šè¯‰æˆ‘,è€å¦ˆè¯·ä½ ä¸è¦å½±å“我们看碟片,俨然一幅有å‹ä¸‡äº‹è¶³çš„æ ·å。
å‰å‡ 天,在这童年水晶般的å‹æƒ…滋润下,敦敦çªå‘奇想地自己å在电脑æ—边说è¦å†™ç¯‡å¯“言,他用了åå‡ åˆ†é’Ÿå†™äº†èœ¡çƒ›å¦‚ä½•ä¸ºå‹æƒ…ç‡ƒçƒ§ï¼Œå¯¥å¯¥å‡ ç¬”å‹¾å‹’å‡ºä»–çœ¼ä¸çš„朋å‹å’Œä¼Ÿå¤§ã€‚让我和è€å…¬è¯»åŽç€å®žæ„ŸåŠ¨äº†åŠå¤©ã€‚è€å…¬å¾ˆæœ‰è‡ªçŸ¥ä¹‹æ˜Žåœ°è¯´ï¼Œå¯“言ä¸è€äººæ˜¾ç„¶æŒ‡çš„是我,旧书是敦敦的好朋å‹ï¼Œè¿™å©å看é‡å‹æƒ…,心里的情感满的溢了出æ¥ï¼ŒçœŸæ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ç•™ç¥žåˆå—了回å©å对我们进行的爱的教育。
How the candle found its friend
On a warm summer night, a bar owner was about to sleep. The wind rustled the leaves on the tree beside his window. The old man sighed, "O tree, why do you rustle cheerfully as ever could be, while I, grow older by the day?" He moved his old body onto his bed and slept. He forgot to blow out the candle so it flickered on, into the night.
The candle looked around itself. A toothpick hopped out and said, "I am the great picker of teeth!" "I am the creator of words", said the pencil. The candle humbly asked, "What good am I then?"
"You are the bringer of light, a wise old book replied, "They are naught but fools pretending to be great. They have no true knowledge; they are mere tools in my eyes." The candle looked up at the wise old book, "What is greatness in your eyes then, my friend?" "To believe in freedom, bear in slavery, and be strong until the end", replied the book.
That night the candle shined brighter than the stars for it had something keeping it burning on, a friend.