shirleyxu's Journal

Jun 2007
2:12 PM EST


今天参加完上中的开放日,有机会跟几个爱孩子的爹妈聊教子经, 大家交流起来都感到做爹妈的烦恼和孩子成长的烦恼一样多, 而且很多爹妈的烦恼是相似的. 实际上, 这交流的过程也是个减压过程. 爹妈们惺惺相惜.

生活本身很实在, 俗话说,一分耕耘, 一分收获; 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆. 每个母亲身上都肩负着很大的社会责任, 教育好一个孩子对社会做出的贡献是无价的. 如果你到过成都, 看过都江堰, 你就会感到,李冰的母亲是多么伟大, 她的教子有方造福了子孙万代. 这绝不是现如今一个妈妈想让一个孩子能生存或有出息那么简单.

shirleyxu's Profile

  • Username: shirleyxu
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: China
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    SHIRLEYXU's Interests:

    About Me: teaching in medical schools in the past 20 years

    Interests: 1)brainstorming with my 9 year old son; 2)sharpenning my husband mind by arguing with him when necessary; 3) loyal funs of Liu Xiang

    Favorite Music: I want to spend my life time loving you

    Favorite Movies: Gone with the wind

    Favorite Television: 第一财经,

    Favorite Books: All books by Charles Dickens