shirleyxu's Journal

Jun 2007
6:10 AM EST


敦爹又出差了,晚上睡觉前,敦敦先爬上大床,说要跟我谈谈他后半生的'人生追求'。尽管天不早了,这题目大得让我没法拒绝, 再说了,听一个小孩聊聊,他老了以后想怎么过,也挺有意思的。


妈妈,到我白发苍苍之时,我会追求平静的生活 (peaceful life),我要在英国乡间拥有一处依山傍水的小村舍(cottage)。我要伺候一个花园,经常到后山行山(tracking). 我会养猫,我还会时不时邀请一群小孩子到我家来玩。敦敦在描述这些梦的时候神情深邃,恬静,俨然是一个淡泊名利,看破红尘,一脸沧桑的老者。

Goodness me! 我想那时的敦敦应该是个老作家,春至夏往,秋去冬来,写不尽漫漫人生路,道不完青山绿水情。

shirleyxu's Profile

  • Username: shirleyxu
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: China
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    SHIRLEYXU's Interests:

    About Me: teaching in medical schools in the past 20 years

    Interests: 1)brainstorming with my 9 year old son; 2)sharpenning my husband mind by arguing with him when necessary; 3) loyal funs of Liu Xiang

    Favorite Music: I want to spend my life time loving you

    Favorite Movies: Gone with the wind

    Favorite Television: 第一财经,

    Favorite Books: All books by Charles Dickens