sexiicupcake's Journal

Jul 2007
6:22 AM EDT

heyyy everyone whats up. I havent wroten in a while so i thought i would. I just want you all to knoe i am completely over roger and it is great and there have been a couple lil relationships with me that havent worked, but i found this guy and hes great and awesome and i think we are gunna make it. All i told him is i want him to respect me, meaning sexually and he agreed that he would. How great is that. I am happy cause i will only be having sex if i want to an if i am ready you knoe. But yea i just wanted to tell u all that i thought i would never get over roger and now look at me i am and im happy with chucky..well im gunna go byeeee

sexiicupcake's Profile

  • Username: sexiicupcake
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Ohio
    SEXIICUPCAKE's Interests:

    About Me: Hi my name is Judi Im 17 I live in Struthers Ohio and I am a Junior at Struthers High School.. I have a wonderful bf who i adore and care soo much about i also have wonderful friends that i would do anything for..I have a pretty gay job but atleaste it gets me money.. I have a great family and thats me

    Interests: I like hanging out with friends, Shoppin, Partying it up a bit.. Fridays are the bests with my girls..

    Favorite Music: Country, punk Rock rap.. Pretty much everything...

    Favorite Movies: I like the cute movies that are also sad..and scary movies..ahhh