sexiicupcake's Journal

Apr 2007
8:56 AM EDT

heyy everone..ok..its me again writing for like the millionth time I just wanted to say that I am doin very good.. That me and Roger are great..Were sposed to hangout today and he's sposed to meet my friend Kayla and her bf..So that will be nice..But yea so I have a question though..Ok so wen you have sex your hyman is sposed to break.. Ok well me and roger have already had sex and then the other day my hyman broke while we were having sex..well attempting to.. Is it possible that it can break even though we had sex before because honestly im just very confused..Yea..So i dunno..But we are doin wonderful.. I see him a lot more now and we are just cute.. The other day we were just chillen on my bed and we were kissing and it was so cute because he pulled the hair outta my eyes.. It was so adorably cute.. But yea Roger he has this thing and he does not like getting hickies..well I like giving hickies so of course there I am and I gave him one and he actually got kinda mad I was yellin at him saying Roger its just a hickie and honestly if i wanna give you one im gunna soo you are gunna have to deal with it.. And he didnt say anything about it after lets hope i got it through his head that you shouldnt care wat i am doin to you atleaste we are together.. Ok the other day I was thinking about mine and rogers relationship and i actually started crying because I am in love with him and at times I dont know wat to do because its so hard and I will admit that I thought I was so in love with Aiden and that honestly I dont really think I was I think I just thought I was.. But it is so hard because wat if he ends up breaking my heart.. I mean rite now I can tell you all that he is the guy that I wanna be with and I kinda hope were together fpr a long ass time..ya know maybe we wont break up..But yea I need advice on this shyt cause I dont even know anything anymore and I cant help who I love even if he doesnt love me yet..well im gunna go and ill write later
2 comment(s) - 07:38 PM - 04/16/2007

sexiicupcake's Profile

  • Username: sexiicupcake
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Ohio
    SEXIICUPCAKE's Interests:

    About Me: Hi my name is Judi Im 17 I live in Struthers Ohio and I am a Junior at Struthers High School.. I have a wonderful bf who i adore and care soo much about i also have wonderful friends that i would do anything for..I have a pretty gay job but atleaste it gets me money.. I have a great family and thats me

    Interests: I like hanging out with friends, Shoppin, Partying it up a bit.. Fridays are the bests with my girls..

    Favorite Music: Country, punk Rock rap.. Pretty much everything...

    Favorite Movies: I like the cute movies that are also sad..and scary movies..ahhh