sexiicupcake's Journal

Apr 2007
5:23 AM EDT

heyy everyone..ok..soo how are ya all..Me im great.. Ok so me and roger didnt hangout yesturday because he just wanted a day to relax so we are gunna hangout today cause he only has his drug class on tuesdays now..thank god for that..But yea soo friday was not a good nite.. I got pissed at roger cause he picked to hangout with his friends instead of me and i cried and cried then sat we hungout and you know just fooled ok heres the thing this girl mirrissa i dont know her all i know is that she used to talk to roger yea well i invited her to hangout on friday she was like well will roger care im like no i dont think soo well no i will be all over roger soo y do i have any reason to think that it is a bad idea..I mean she seems nice and if she wants to hangout im not gunna be a bitch and say no..ya know.. But yea I cant believe me and roger..were like doin great ann honestly im gunna tell ya all that he is the best guy that i have ever been with and i love him and yea honestly the other nit ewe both wanted to have sex then we are ready and he has no condom and he was like judi if you want we can do it and i will pull out noo we were gunna but i was scared and told him no that we could just fuck around instead ya know..but yea soo see i know not to have sex without a condom soo hey i must be gettin a lil heyy im gunna go but tell me wat you think...ok..byeeee

sexiicupcake's Profile

  • Username: sexiicupcake
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Ohio
    SEXIICUPCAKE's Interests:

    About Me: Hi my name is Judi Im 17 I live in Struthers Ohio and I am a Junior at Struthers High School.. I have a wonderful bf who i adore and care soo much about i also have wonderful friends that i would do anything for..I have a pretty gay job but atleaste it gets me money.. I have a great family and thats me

    Interests: I like hanging out with friends, Shoppin, Partying it up a bit.. Fridays are the bests with my girls..

    Favorite Music: Country, punk Rock rap.. Pretty much everything...

    Favorite Movies: I like the cute movies that are also sad..and scary movies..ahhh