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sexiicupcake's Journal
Apr 2007
9:17 AM EDT
Ok soo heyy guys ok lets say that my friend Jess watson likes to talk shyt bout me like all the time and im getting sick of it.. Today she got at me for like no reason at all.. I was like soo pissed because I just happened to read a couple of her entries and see that all she does is talk shyt buot me well atleaste I dont talk bout her in all my entries and yea I will admit that she used to be best friend but honestly I dont think she is anymore because she sure doesnt act like it and she gets mad that I hangout with my other friend jess instead of her and she said im using my other friend when how can you be using someone wen you hangout with them all the time.. If I was using her I would only be talkin to her wen I needed something and now my other friend is in driving school the one i was talking bout and she was like I shouldnt give her a ride to canfeild to see her bf that she is boii crazii over which im not wen you love someone ofcourse you talk about them and wanna be with them but honestly I dont need a ride because my bf has a car and his license soo y would she have to drive me out there if worse came to worse I could ask my bro in law and he would..Yea and she said im gunna be like 100000 times worse meaning liking and talking about my bf roger because I had sex with him.. Ok dont be just sittin there talking bout me yes i had sex with him and i know i did and I liked it and o well i guess you can call me a whore if you want even tho I didnt know a whore was someone who has sex with there bf that they love yes I love him and thats y I had sex and I dont care wat you all think bout the sex situation cause i already did it but honestly this friend needs to stop talking shyt bout me.. Thats wat makes you a two faced bitch well im gunna go write more later...byeee
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- 03:26 PM - 04/04/2007
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sexiicupcake's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 35
USA - Ohio
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About Me:
Hi my name is Judi Im 17 I live in Struthers Ohio and I am a Junior at Struthers High School.. I have a wonderful bf who i adore and care soo much about i also have wonderful friends that i would do anything for..I have a pretty gay job but atleaste it gets me money.. I have a great family and thats me
I like hanging out with friends, Shoppin, Partying it up a bit.. Fridays are the bests with my girls..
Favorite Music:
Country, punk Rock rap.. Pretty much everything...
Favorite Movies:
I like the cute movies that are also sad..and scary movies..ahhh