seamaiden's Journal

Oct 2009
2:07 PM EDT

what a bueatiful day.

�today has been such a brillent day. and tommrow will be even better. we are going to the food festival in manchester agin. W are also going to �my in-laws �house which is in clifton england i call it riley mansion. It is so gorgeous there.They have a big garden. And there is a path that i walk down and visit the horses. They also have sheep. And the church we go to is also a favorite of mine. It is called st.john fischers. I think �it will be an exciting day. We plan on coming back on sunday. �I'am hoping that the weather will be really good.We take the bus. This time i am packing alot lighter then before as it is easier to carry that way.

�Last week we had a brillent party. there is alot of people in our family and about 20 of them were there.There was alot of terrific foods and it was so nice to visit.My sister in law also has a mini trampoline that she lets me use. �I have been on a weight loss program. I started doing belly dance for fun and excersize and lost from 165 american pounds to 126 in three months. That is from 12 stone in brittish weight to 9 stone in three months. and i am manageing to keep the weight off but latly i've been eating alot more so ill see if i can keep it off. �wish me luck!! i hope you have a brillent day take care

Oct 2009
9:35 AM EDT


im still dealing with alot of self-centeredness. However my life has change, i am happily married now and have been here 1 year and 3 months. iam disowned cut off by my previous self centered family. I can still contact my daughter on one website however in all this time she has contacted me at the most 2 tiems once for self pity needing money. giving me the hint to send her soem. however she will not give me her address and phone number as she has moved. i still dont know if my mother is alive or dead. My sister cut off all communication with me. people can and do acts of evil to others all the time dont they. It hurts it is totally unfair and wrong. But i still beleive you reap what you sow. and in the end the holy spirit will deal with it all

Feb 2008
7:36 PM EDT

camp season

today i spent way to much,just couldnt resit getting a few new things for summer camping .i went out hiking the other day and had a very enjoyable time the only thing missing was a good looking man from the u.k. to hike with,the trees dont have leaves on em yet bit i think they will soon. im so looking foward to summer fun,its been such a long time since ive camped,hiked,canoed down stream or explored a cave. these things seem to cheer me up being in the hot sun under a canopy of trees or sitting on a huge rock over looking a waterfall.and i cant wait for the sunsets, and checking out the milky way agin love looking at the stars,i did see deer tracks so hopefully this year ill get a few photos of them to add to my collection, and nothing like cooking over a campfire even if its just hot dogs hambergers and marshmallows, i plan on quabache trails,turkey run,spring mills and mc cormics creek not to metion shakamac state park these are some of indiannas finest,its get there earley first come first served

Jan 2008
8:08 PM EDT


i cme home found her passed out in the florr barely breathing 911 took her to the emergancy room where she was admitted she has suffered a stroke i had to call in and missed a night of work im rather sick to my stomach passed out for awhile from being awake to long i have a sore throat from hell and im scared witless, she was diagnosed with alszhiemers and has some sort of growth around her heart we dont know yet if she will live through this thank god i went home after 8 hours or she would have laid on the cold floor until i could get there and might not have made it as it was they had to put 6 blankets on top of her and theve had to keep them ther because shes frezzing cold and shivering im in the middle of a nightmare my daugheter will not give her the time of day or even a phone call to her or me and we havnt figured why she acts like she hates us so much it wasnt my choice to give her up but i guess for some people a lie is easier to believe then believing the truth

Dec 2007
11:17 AM EDT

christmas day

it is going quickely its after 200 in the afternoon just finishing up christmas dinner then going to settle in and watch pirates of the carribean 3 love johhny depp i have seen the first 2 already so im sure 3 will be just wot i need for christmas a good way to take a load off and relax ive got some laundry done took the dog for a walk and staying pretty busy have a great day yall take care cindy d.

Nov 2007
12:29 PM EDT


today im thankful for:my health my job/paycheck,small amount of savings left,my family,my dog,the blood of the lamb that covers my sin,the cross of calvery that reminds me i dont save myself he savesme and hopefully deliverence will come for my daughter as well as myself,im at his mercy and maybe this is where he wants me but it is a very uncomfortable place to be,what ive to learn here i dont know yet,im thankful for simple pleasures in life like romance novels,visiting the duck pond and sitting quietly relaxing,a good comedy to relieve the stress this has created in my life,great food,laughter,hope and the fact that i will keep pressing foward and wait paitiently in tribulation until i see something happen and this is resolved, and last but not least joel olsteen ministrys for giving me so much hope regardless of feelings,expierences,or anything else, just enough to hang in there just for today

seamaiden's Profile

  • Username: seamaiden
  • Gender / Age: Female, 69
  • Location: United Kingdom
    SEAMAIDEN's Interests:

    About Me: i am happily married,middled aged. love life

    Interests: bellydance,music,reading,

    Favorite Music: drum solos,classical, old rock and roll

    Favorite Television: top gear,coast hairy bikers

    Favorite Books: bible

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