krazykay's Journal

Jan 2008
2:27 PM EDT

Broken Heart...

i have had a really hard past year with this one guy who i thought was my world.he was my life my everything.but in the end he was just like every other guy only sticks around for sex. i found this out along time ago but i guess i didnt want to believe that he was like that.he is sexy sweet talented and the love of my life but that is all gone would take a lot for me to forgive him and go back to his no life country ass .i hate guys.even though i must say the sex was great but it is not worth the i know there are more fish in the sea.if you are with a guy that treats you like shit and all he ever wants to do is fuck you dont need him.." behind every beautiful woman, there is man who is tired of fuckin her" TRUTH!!!! well im done with him dont want him back NOOO more!!! IM DONE!!
yours truly

Jan 2008
2:39 PM EDT



I Hope everyone partied hard for NEW YEARS!!!! I know I did!!! lets just say i never sleep till 12but i just got out of bed... im not gonna describe my night but just thought i would say HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!

yours truly


Dec 2007
8:05 PM EDT



Well i have to say my christmas was great!!! i loved all my presents. I got new big ipod speekers, lots of new make-up, tons of money, great perfumes, and best of all my daddy got me the cutest Father Daughter is a small gold band with little dimands across it. I cried when i got it! I LOVE MY DADDY!!! He is the best man in my life. I dont know what i would do without him. Well i stayed at my dad's on Christmas Eve and my little sister who is nine still believes in santa woke up at the crack of dawn to see what "santa" brought, So i am so tired. My dream is to become a cosmetologist so my mom got me a bunch of really good make up brushes. I love Christmas, but im ready for new years!!! I plan to have lots of fun!!i dont know what i am going to do but i bet i can find something down here in this small town. Even though i hate this place i can say we know how to throw a country party. We dont go to some club or have a bunch of people to our pool house...we party in the feilds lol...its great!!! BUT i do have to say i hope my buddy cody is back from florida, it wont be the same without him...The BIG question is i wonder who my new years kiss will be with??Hopefully not some random guy! If it is the right person maybe we will end up spending the whole year together!!! well im pooped going to bed...HOPE EVERYONE HAD A GOOD CHRISTMAS!!!! night yall

yours truly,


Dec 2007
1:12 PM EDT

Just another day...

hey again

well since we have been out of school i have been babysittin, to make money to gochristmas has been SO tiring!But this morning I got the first 3 hours off and went andgot my hair was a strawberry blonde now it is a dark is really cute.. I LOVE IT... me and this one guy have been talking forever... it seems like all we ever do is talk...we are alwaytogether and for christmas he is going to will be this first time since like july that i have gone more than three dayswithout seening him. it is sadI am going to miss him...well i better get back to my babysitting...JOY

yours truly


1 comment(s) - 01:24 PM - 12/24/2007

Dec 2007
6:24 PM EDT

First One!!!

hey everybody,

this is my first entry on here... i dont know why i decided to get one of these things but i did so now whoever reads these will know my life or atleast what i choose to talk about. for this one i guess ill start by just telling you about myself. My name is Kendyl Mari' Jones! My birthday is Oct. 27. I have 2 sisters and no brothers but wish i had an older one. My parents are divoriced. I live with my dad. Ima total daddys girl! I am pretty much a normal gal. I live in the country and when i say that i really mean the country. I go to a very small school. I have redish hair, blue green eyes, and an athletic built body. I think im over weight, but my dad says it comes from my big getto ass and my huge boobs!!! I love to party!!! It is like a hobby for me. My friends and i are always doing something we prolly shouldnt Im kinda like the bad child in my family. My older sister does nothing wrong. She is an angel! and my little sister is too young to get into to major trouble. Well not the same kinda trouble a teenager gets in to. Since i live in a small town everybody knows your bizznes...NOT cool!! You have to watch what you do when u are around certain people. Some know the south for our HOT country guys...yano the really ripped guys because they work in the field or on a farm, out in the hot sun with no shirt, sweating while they fix fences!! Yep well i do have to say we have some of those but not enough to share with the have had my share of guys latey. That is a long story for a different blog!! I like to think of my life as crazy but fun. I am so ready to graduate and get out of this place. well i guess im gonna go and find someting to do...hopefully it is not bad! ;) Ill post later!!

Yours Truly,


1 comment(s) - 10:12 AM - 12/21/2007

krazykay's Profile

  • Username: krazykay
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Arkansas
    Photo Album

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    KRAZYKAY's Interests:

    About Me: I am from a really small town in Arkansas...I have dark red hair and blue eyes! I am athleticly built, body typ wise. I am intrested in guys. Some day I am going to be a cosmetologist!

    Interests: out with friends..going muddin..listening to music..doing people's hair and make-up..and lots more

    Favorite Music: really

    Favorite Movies: The Notebook..Tristen and Isolde..Superbad..anything American Pie..Perfect Stranger..Disturbia

    Favorite Television: One Tree Hill..The O.C.. The Hills..Degrassi..South os NoWhere..

    Favorite Books: Deep Green..Blade Silver..If You Come Softly