Satinldy's(Hilda) Journal

Jun 2009
3:26 PM CST

"The Mountain"

The mountain is majestic,���������������

as it reaches to the sky;

At times it seems to bow its head,

To let the the clouds go by.

The sun in all its glory,

peeks over itsjaded domicile,

and struggle in their nests.

The rippling of the clear cool stream,

Is music to my ears.

Polished by the years.

To those who has trod,

And no other thing can guite compare

To this masterpiece of God.

����������� By:Satinlady

Jun 2009
12:20 PM CST

When Strawberries Flowers In The Valley

When strawberries flowers in the valley,and the roses all bloom.It is here I recall of us sitting beneath the rose covered arber.We weren't but kids.

You would always pick a rose to give to me,to wear on my pink cotton dress.

We would walk through the feilds with our dollies and gather wild strawberries� so sweet.

who shared in this summertime treat.When strawberries flowered in the valley,and the roses were in full bloom,I remember my childhood days and what I learn over this time in life.

��� by satinlady

Jun 2009
9:31 AM CST

" Peaceful Benediction"

Lord,how I need the quite of a summer eve.

When heaven bends low�����������

to catch the tulmult of the teeming hours,

and cups them in the stillness of a placid time.

When birds sing softly and a mass of stars shine forth in peaceful benediction.

By satinlady

AKA Hilda Jackson Butts

Jun 2009
9:23 AM CST

" Loved one gone to heaven"

It's now one O'clock in the morning,sleep is out of the question.Here I sit at the kitchen table,all is still this early morning.

I prayed you find this peace where you are now,the starsabove are so very bright,how I wish you could see them,but then I remember that you are smiling down on me.

The tears I shed,I need not to mention,you know my heart is heavy,missing your presence in every day.But�I am reassured,for now you have found santuary from pain.

Your eyes are forever closed,we'll miss you dearly sweet one,But I find my reassurance in what the Lord has done,your heart is now free of the chains that bound� it.

His gracious� savior,in whose love you'll now surrounded.Our Lord will protect you and keep you safe in all ways,so sleep on sweet one,mind not me.One day we'll meet again,and we'll let that comfort me.

�In loving memory of my mother

Jun 2009
8:14 AM CST

Life's lessons
We learn the difference between love and friendship.
We learn that love doesn't end and never return,it just
fades away at times.
We learn that promises are suppose to be kept,but then
at times someone will break a promise to someone else.
We learn to make our life a road to travel,and to cheerish
the moments that that we are involved with.
We know that the sunshine shines,but at other times it
want shine because we all have our grey clounds in life.
All of us learn to endure our life's paths as we go along
on lifes road.
By: satinlady

Jun 2009
8:10 AM CST


������ There is no love,like a mother's love,no stronger bond ,like the precious bond that comes when she gives birth.

A mothers love is forever strong,never changing at all....and when her children needs her,that mother love comes shining .

God bless all the mother's,for all the tears and heartaches,and for the special work that they do.

When her days on earth are over,a mother love lives on through generations to come.

Be thankful for our mothers,for their love with a higher love...from the power that God has given,and the strength that he provides them with.

�Written by satinlady

In memory of my mother who passed away April the 2nd of 2008

Nov 2007
8:07 PM CST


The"C" Word
I look in the mirror,
and I see two beauties so firmly
My complexion is silky soft and subtle.
My breast are round and firm,
But a knife may have to remove one
of my beauties.
Deep insideI feel lonliness,despair and pain
within my heart.
But the most tearful thing is that I may have to
go on with one not being there,or have a fake one
to replace the one that was removed.
I pray that I want have to give one up,But if I
do I will find a way to deal with it with the love
of my family support that they show me.
By satinlady
1 comment(s) - 11:40 PM - 12/04/2009

Nov 2007
7:52 PM CST


I just close my eyes and open my heart to you.
I can feel your love, and it washesall my worries away.
I want you to hold me secure within your love,because doing so will wipe my fears away.
My life on this earth may end without any warnings,but inside of me I will know that all of my problems will fade with the secure of your love.
When I'm tire,sad,or blue,
there is your heart which I can always open,and feel your love within to make me feel secure.
My heart is like a temple and is filled with all of your love that you and I have together and I will always feel secure.

Nov 2007
7:41 PM CST

Soldier In the Army

Soldier In The Army
she is a sodier in the army,
May Jesus be her commanding officer.
May they allow her to keep her Holy Bible
close by her side.
Her faith,and prayer will be her weapon,
to always feel and to be safe.
She has the Holy Spirit, She will be trained
by her peirs.
She will have adversity,and will test her
gun,as she fires it.
She belongs to the Army and with god she
is enlisted for eternity,but in the Army she
will only be there till her time is up.
By: satinlady
1 comment(s) - 11:41 PM - 12/04/2009

Nov 2007
7:09 PM CST

A Friend Is Special

A Special Friend
A special friend is someone we turn to when we are down.
Someone we treasure,because we know they are always there
for us when we need them the most.
Someone who always give us the grace we need to face each
day,to brighten our path.
Someone who gives us joy and we can see the beauty of our
A friend is someone who listen to our deepest and darkest fears
For this may we always be friends though out the years.
Thanks for being a special friend of mine.
By: satinlady

Nov 2007
6:55 PM CST


"Feeling Of Someone Dear
I can feel you so near,
With every beat of my heart.
You make me feel so much love
in all the right places,may we never
When I close my eyes,I can feel
your warm touch.
Your soft caresses makes me breath
The fire of ectasty rising within me.,
could never say how much I want you
But you are so hard to grasp,but you always
draw me near.

Sep 2007
6:47 AM CST

"Twin Towers"

One beautiful day,the twin towers,

came up in smoke smashing to the ground.

Everyone inside was trapped in all of the


All of the loved ones at home, or elsewhere

was hopeless in despair.

Tears rolled out of their eyes,enough that

it fell like a rain shower.

Family members and others where now

relying on prayers,and all their faith.

Lives were lost,some was found,

but all of their dreams laid crumble on the


The terrible fear will be with everyone for


This moment in their lives will never be

forgotten,this dreadful thing which has

happen. By:Hilda (satinlady)

Sep 2007
6:52 AM CST

"Heart To Heart"
As we sit here on a blanket underneath
the brightly lit stars,
It is a warm night,you lay your arms around me,
and every thing else fades away.
you kiss me ever so sofly,your warm tender touch
it lets me know I'm protected.
Oh,on this sweet night,
This moment we share,there's no other place I
want to be,except sharing this memory with you.
You are ever so sweet,as the wind blows through
my hair.
You have completly swept me off my feet,on this
special night beneath the stars.

Sep 2007
6:35 AM CST

Marriage should be love,
all happy and free.
Our love grows stronger
day by day.
Marriage is sacrafice,
always giving of each other self,
with loving rewards.
Commitment is part of being married.
always being completly loyal of each other.
Marriage is forever,but yet still free.
Our lives makes love,sacrafices,and commitment
a promise forever and by doing it we are happy
in marriage.

Sep 2007
7:06 AM CST

Path of life
The path of life,I need to explore,
every bend in lifes curves.
I will enjoy lifes desires along my
way,down thislifes path.
Comfort in my friends,to share sad
moments with,when things crosses my
path of this life.
When the time ends,I can say that within
my heart friends where there to enlighten
my strnghth down the path of life.

Aug 2007
6:10 AM CST

It's Only For A Time

It's only for a time that we will be apart.
Noone knows the lenghth of that time,months or years.
So I'll cheerish the memories within my heart.
I know you aren't far away.
For life continues onward.
But when I need you,I still call out your name,even
though I can't see or touch you,I know you are near.
Sometimes I listen real closely with my heart,In hopes
that you know you still lives within my heart.
All my love surrounds you sofly each and every day.
Then when I have to be alone,I know I can still go on
and soar without you.

Aug 2007
1:26 PM CST

" I'm Free"
Do you see what I see
A rainbow shining over us
In the middle of a hopeless
Sometimes I.m blinded by
And I can see beyond my
troubled mind,
Afraid of what I'll find,
The story of our lives,
But there's tomorrow.
I'm free.
And things are only as
important as I want them
to be.
We'll have a beathe of sun --
When the rain goes away
I pray.
Do you need a friend right
In the road that you you're
going on,If you getlost,just
call me,I'll be there, Yes ,I'll
be there.
I can do without sorrow,theres
a day after tomorrow,
So I'm leaving it behind,
And if you want to share my
dreams,well all you'll have to do is
say it.
Let me hear you loud and clear
cause I need to know if you want
to be free.

Aug 2007
1:03 PM CST

"No Title"
The wind whispers your gentle touch,
Moon light dances onthe water edge.
Shining so brightly,teasing my dreams,
destiny castes love's sweet pledges,
Just hold me,move me and excite me.
Always and forever.
Please just hold me,showing me your
feelings on lazy days,stay and hold me.
Memories we will make,joy we will share,
Remember to hold me,through good times
and bad times.
I could follow you,forever if you becon me.I will foreve
know your love.
On thick soft fur,
Oh what passionate ectasy awaits the both of us.

Aug 2007
12:50 PM CST

You wear moonlight stars,
Spirit and fearless pride.
Dreams to set you free,with a
woman by your side.
I've known love to be,fire and ice,
Lilacs and roses,Passionate and
I've known love to be,
starlight and rain,beautiful and impulsive.
But never a love like this one.
We must walk many paths,
down the halls of each day,
to mature and renew our faith,
that indifference will soon decay.
Blend our dreams,soul,and spirits,
as one,we will soar the loafty skies.
Born of freedom and gliding across time.
By satinlady

Aug 2007
11:49 AM CST

When you feel like you've lost
all hope,and you think you were beaten
and done,
You feel as if you are at he end of your rope.
Look up toward heaven,and ask God to help
you hang on.
Don't ever let life get you down,
especially if friends seem to have left,and left you alone.
When you feel like you are at the very end.
Remember God will never leave you or let you down.
His love for you will help you hang on to lifes
precious moments.

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satinlady's Profile

  • Username: satinlady
  • Gender / Age: Female, 65
  • Location: USA - Florida
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    SATINLADY's Interests:

    About Me: I like to think of myself as a very polite and fun person to be around.I like being home mostly ,but I like getting out some too.I enjoy life as it comes day by day.

    Interests: Going to the tanning bed,swimming,grilling out,and doing stuff on my computer like playing games,chatting with friends near and far.

    Favorite Music: country,soft rock,and some rap but country is the one i listen to most and soft rock.

    Favorite Movies: I am not into too many movies .When i do watch them it is usually horror, drama, sci fi

    Favorite Television: Smallville, Nip/Tuck, Knight Rider,CSI Miami,Meet The Puckers,

    Favorite Books: Stephen King all of his books as well as movies,Vanpire books .

    SATINLADY's Friends: