Marathon Journey

Jan 2008
12:28 PM EDT

10 Miler

Training is going well. I ran in the PSCI Icicle Ten Miler Sunday. I finished 210 out 478 runners. My 10 mile time was 1:20:56. I ran a bit faster when I did the Army 10 miler in Iraq but this course had quite a few hills. Plus I made a conscious effort to run a 8:33 pace. In the end, my average pace was 8:06. So I am very happy with that.
I was due to run 9 miles that day but decided to go ahead and run in this one just to be around other runners since I train alone. I'm glad I did. It was motivating and encouraging. It was also humbling. There were some seasoned runners out there. I have a long way to go before I can ever be truly competitive. But I was far from disappointed.
It's frustrating to practice a sport where you don't really have the body type to fit in. I'm short and muscular not tall and lean. But what I lose in body type I overcome with heart, determination and guts. I may not make the Olympics...but I damn sure will make some splashes around this country.
Once I get settled, I think I will seek out a running club. It will help with my training and be a good way to meet and make friends-both men and women. Talking with everyday people, you tend to get the impression that women don't care for running. But of those near 500 people Sunday, I'm willing to bet more than half were women. Many of which finished before I did. It also made for a nice view when running. :-)
My legs are still a tad sore. Those hills were rough. Today is an easy day. 3 miles and I'm out. Thank goodness!
74 days until game day.
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runTJrun's Profile

  • Username: runTJrun
  • Gender / Age: Male, 51
  • Location: USA - Delaware
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    RUNTJRUN's Interests:

    About Me: For some time now I've flirted with running a marathon. Prior to my deployment, running began to play a bigger role in my life. That passion grew during my deployment and boiled into an earnest commitment to complete my first marathon. I'm not in it for awards, sponsorship, money, fame, or titles. My sole purpose and motivation is to be able to look myself in the mirror one morning and say, " did it." These pages will capture my journey.