Well with my taking this gig in SC, I won't be able to run the half marathon next month. That's very disappointing. But such is life. Hopefully nothing will conflict with the actual marathon date. Training is going well. Tuesday I had my easy run of 3miles. I ran outside as it was unseasonably warm. Nearly 70 degrees. Yesterday I worked out on the elliptical. I typically use that on my X training days. Today I have a 5 mile run. I'm trying to gauge the weather to decide if I'll run outside or at the gym.
79 days to go...
One week is down in my journey to complete my first marathon. My training plan, taken from runnersworld.com is workable and sensible. As I get closer to my race date, I will seek more specific advice from seasoned runners. For now, it's off to a good start. Do to the weather, I've been using strictly a treadmill to meet my running demands. However, I prefer to run outdoors and will jump at the first opportunity to do so.
My training plan is as follows for this coming week.
Mon- rest, Tues- 3 mi, Wed- Xtraining, Th- 5 miles, Fr- weights, Sat-rest, Sun- 9 miles
I've recently had some problems with my left knee. The infamous "runners knee". It seems to have passed but I only seem to have trouble with it when I increase my mileage. Hopefully it will hold. I have a long way to go. The training plan caps out at 20 miles for my longest run. I'm not even at 10 yet. So we'll see...
I may add a night of Yoda into the mix. Not sure just yet...
As it stands now, I'm going to target the ING Georgia Marathon on March 30th http://www.inggeorgiamarathon.com/site3.aspx. The follow up with another in May at the Fargo Marathon. Fargo will also be my backup in case, for whatever reason, GA does not happen. Plus, I expect for GA to a learning experience. So if all goes well, the Fargo Marathon will be the better event for me personally.
For now, my focus is the 3 miles I have tomorrow.
82 days to go.