ronowen's Journal

May 2007
10:22 AM CST

Tuesday, May 1 - 5:00 p.m.
There has still not been any change throughout the day. Physical therapist has been moving his legs. Got a new bed today that turns repositions him every 30 minutes. Vital signs are still good. Did another treatment this morning. This is day #4 of the albumin transfer.We must be patient - that can often be hard to do!
3 comment(s) - 10:07 PM - 05/01/2007

ronowen's Profile

  • Username: ronowen
  • Gender / Age: Male, 70
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    RONOWEN's Interests:

    About Me: We want to start out by saying thank you very much for all the phone calls, prayers, and support. We will be updating this website periodically (especially when there is new information). You can leave a comment by logging on (it is free) and we will be glad to print them and read them off to Ron when we visit. Thanks again for everything. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends in our lives!