redisbest07's Journal
Dec 2006
5:22 AM PST
This makes sense. But I think it is common sense. Well, I mean, see if someone thinks of all the negatives in their life, what would the point be? I mean it only makes sense because there are so many negatives in life. And to focus on them would be stupid because it is life. And rule of thumb, life is unfair. But if you concentrate on the things that are good in your life, then one would be upbeat and not so "depressed". I only use quotations because as me being me, I do not believe in depression. Not saying that there isnt depression, but me, as a person, does not think that depression can exist if ones mindset is strong.
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Male, 36
USA - California
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My name is Robbie and I go to Northview High School in California.
I like playing basketball.
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Mainly anything, besides this new country, classical, and most rap.
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Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Chevvy Chases Christmas Vacation, and a few others.
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That 70's Show
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Ummm...I'm not a big book lover.
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