phsphtm757's Journal

Apr 2009
7:42 PM EDT


sooooo im bored as always. i didnt really so shit today except skool...but aint nuthin special go down there. i went to sleep after i got home cuz my job called my fone and trynna get me to come to work...yea i wasnt fellin that so i defintely did not answer. i amd not da kinda person to put in no extra hours...da job is aiight but i aint comin in if i aint got to if ya no wut i mean. when i woke up i went to barns and noble and got a couple books....da first one is kinda nasty too lol

oh and i cant believe i failed my drivin test on da last mutha fuckin question! i was mad as hell! i mean i didnt really study for it but most of it was common sense...da question dat failed me was about a fuckin motorcycle! wtf dat gots to do wit me? my ass aint gettin on no damn motorcycle. dat made me even more mad! i felt like tearin dat computer up! now my ass gotta wait fifteen dayz to take anotha 1! what kinda shit iz dat?

but let me end dis b$ i get mad all ova agian lol...DEUCES!


4/14/09 11:42

phsphtm757's Profile

  • Username: phsphtm757
  • Gender / Age: Male, 35
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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