marilyn385's Journal

Apr 2008
7:27 AM PST

Love and Music - Original Poem

Love and Music
She was only four when she sang along with the old record
“Put another nickel in, in the nickelodeon…”
The dry cleaning fumes from the shop below lingered
With the music playing she went to sleep,
Days were filled with imaginary playmates.
Mommy and daddy were busy with customers
A room filled with shades of brown and black hats
Perched on wooden heads were her audience.
She greeted the customers with a million questions,
She wished for real people to be with
Mommy and daddy were busy with customers
“All I want from you is love and music, music, music.”
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marilyn385's Profile

  • Username: marilyn385
  • Gender / Age: Female, 74
  • Location: USA - California
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    MARILYN385's Interests:

    Interests: Poetry Cooking Classical music

    Favorite Music: Brahms and Beethoven. Playing Baroque piano music

    Favorite Movies: Brother Sun, Sister Moon King of Hearts