lmm27295's Journal

Oct 2006
9:55 AM EDT

B and I had a big fight a week ago. I don't feel like going into details, but it was pretty bad. Anyway, things have been great since then. It seems like he has been trying harder. Things have been really good actually. He bought some equipment that he has been working on and is really excited about so that makes me wander if that is why we have not fought lately. B/c he is in a good mood b/c of that. I have a counciling app. set up for tomm b/c we still have problems that need to be worked out. We had T this weekend. It was not that bad. I went and saw C b/c it will prob be the last time I get to see her before the baby comes! There is a lady a work that I am really starting not to like. It is becoming more apparent that she is backstabbing and a brown noser. I really try not to talk to her.
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lmm27295's Profile

  • Username: lmm27295
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA