lmm27295's Journal
Oct 2006
12:39 PM EDT
I am so depressed today. I can hear B now "you are so ill when u r on your time." I have tired to act like everything is find when I have talked to him today. I am so sick of not having any $ and having to pinch every penny. I want to go back to sch but I don't know what I want to do. Plus I don't have the motivation to do it. I am so tired of the way I look. I wish I had the $ to get my hair done and go shopping. B called at lunch and said that C had called and told him that T's mom was calling him wanting to go out and get "messed up" and that her and her mother were not getting along. I just wish he would tell C that he did not give a f about her and that she could go ahead and crack her brains out. T has a stable enviroment b/c his grandmother, her mom, takes care of him. I am so frustrated. I wish B would worry more about us than that s***. If I tell him it bothers me he won't tell me what C says even though he prob don't tell me the whole story anyway but he will just get pissed at me. I hate my life so bad somethimes.
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Female, 44
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