Apr 2012
3:22 PM CST

"You can get this"

Have u ever noticed that whenever something bad happens someone says " you (or we)�will (or can) get through this", and ur like "no we can't". It is like this everyday for me. I have to get up and say "Its going to be a great day!" Then to struggle through it realizing it isn't. On top of that I have 3 sisters, my parents, my counselor, online school, and myself telling me things and controlling my life. It gives me that trapped feeling that almost all teenagers feel. But for me I feel it is doubled because of having anxiety, clinical depression, (possible) PTSD, ADHD, Aspergers, (possible) sichzerfrina (or spiritual warefare), the female "monthly gift", having suicidial thoughts (which makes me feel like a hipocrite), having to take 3 pills a day, and just being me. I just want to go someplace for a day or 2 and take a needed time away from home. It isn't a break just a 1 or 2 night breather. My parents say it is too unsafe, my counselor says it will only make it easier for me to actually commit suicide, my sisters say it will never happen, and I say " IT"S ONLY A TIME TO TAKE AND BREATHER AND REFLECT ON MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!" My "friends" are willing to help me get away from the house only for a couple of hours, but my church has a lot of events coming up that involve staying over night and vounteering during the day. I really want to do this. I may be 16, but this is how I feel. If only I could tell everyone this without them freaking out and causing me to be a psco killer or something. I going to be a legal adult next year and so far this is looking like no one will let me work on growing up at my own pass. I just want to yell "THIS IS MY LIFE ITS TIME FOR U TO LET ME GO A LITTLE MORE AND NOT FREAK OUT AS MUCH WHEN I TALK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JUST CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
That's just the truth the way I see it. It is never the same for everyone else, but it is for me.
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linnea14star's Profile

  • Username: linnea14star
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Washington
    LINNEA14STAR's Interests:

    About Me: I have 3 young sisters that I sometimes have problems with, but love alot. my own pup named Aumi.

    Interests: I like to play girlie games on the computer. I love to read chapter books, and write.I also like to swim and sell jewelry

    Favorite Music: Christian Classical

    Favorite Movies: sound of music chronicles of narnia

    Favorite Television: Poke'mon Dinosar King

    Favorite Books: Left Behind (kid Series) Talent

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