Apr 2012
12:11 PM CDT

Fitness Tests

I have a lot of fitness tests to do today to catch up with the rest of my online PE class. I wish me luck,�it is hard to stay confident about all of this.�

linnea14star's Profile

  • Username: linnea14star
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Washington
    LINNEA14STAR's Interests:

    About Me: I have 3 young sisters that I sometimes have problems with, but love alot. my own pup named Aumi.

    Interests: I like to play girlie games on the computer. I love to read chapter books, and write.I also like to swim and sell jewelry

    Favorite Music: Christian Classical

    Favorite Movies: sound of music chronicles of narnia

    Favorite Television: Poke'mon Dinosar King

    Favorite Books: Left Behind (kid Series) Talent

    LINNEA14STAR's Friends: