Jeowy Ompad

Oct 2010
7:41 PM AWST

Bliss and Love - 3rd Monthsary

I get up early this morning just to send SMS to my baby to greet her with a happy monthsary. It is stirring me inside this bliss and love mix together following deep into my veins. Im so happy despite of differences and trials we had, we still make it upto this time - probably because of this unexplain love we have deep inside. It made me happier today when hearing her voice over the phone just in time I get up this morning. ;)

Oct 2010
3:41 AM AWST

First Mass Attendance with Jen

First time together with Jen attending mass at Sto. Rosario.� I could not grasped the�content of the gospel and the homily of the presiding priest as I was out of my mind.� Thinking nothing but the deep feeling I have with Jen who was beside me holding my chilled hand. Thinking nothing but a fancy wedding seems I have with Jen as the chruch was fully�elaborated by floral ornamentation. And the church congested by wedding attendees.�Pretty much�it was�our lavish wedding, but the church only had a feast that time.

Oct 2010
3:30 AM AWST

Something for Baby Monique

First visit of Baby Monique to the city, I�was so excited to see her again the second time.� I paid a visit to Gen's house at Apas and with me was Jen.� She was tightly asleep that time from a long trip, so we were not able to see her giggling.� I gave something pink dress to�cozy her�from chills especially going to a clinic.� So happy meeting my best friend too.

Oct 2010
2:05 AM AWST

Bonding with best buddy

Jamming at Tonyo's Grill with best buddy Gracy, GF Jen, and friends.� Karaoke at Mango.� Had our LQ with Jen, as she got jealous over my best buddy.� She got mad when according to her that i've chosen to go along with my best buddy�over her when she was tipsy that time.� I've decided to�go along with gracy and send her home that time as that was very special to her, but mistakenly misquoted�that we have hidden love affair.� But, i�came over to Jen's apartment right after then.� ... and everything that happened right after then has became part of my private life.

Sep 2010
1:08 AM AWST

The LOFT - 2nd Monthsary

Celebrate our 2nd monthsary at The Loft.� Disco disco at the party. Chitchat farewell with Eldren at Sinangag Station.

Aug 2010
12:27 AM AWST

First Sponsorship - Christening of Baby Monique

Attended christening of Baby Johniexa Monique, daughter of my best friend John.�It was�my first time to attend christening and be a god-father, and very much important as I have been part of the life of this baby girl.� On the christening day, I gave her two clothes (white and pink). Alas! I'd been to Ginatilan for many attempts before - meeting my past friends and housemates before.�

Jan 2009
6:47 AM AWST

A Try at Embassy Hotel - Butuan City

Arrived at Nasipit, Butuan City early morning via Cebu Ferries.� Proceeded to Embassy Hotel for days of stay.� This hotel is a kind of old woody building that if you are going upstair you could hear the crackling of the entire structure.� You will not be afraid losing all your things than be afraid the whole struture be falling down anytime. It's spacious and clean though.� At midnight, if you are going to roam around alongside the hotel, you could see alot of unlucky harlots waiting for an advantage. They even go upstairs knocking each occupied door for an advantage. Though thinking to try it, but i have resisted myself not to do it - im so afraid!� Hush hush.

Jan 2009
6:33 AM AWST

Hapi Nyt at Moon's Cafe

Had post celebration at Moon cafe with gracy, my bestbuddy.� Had few drinks and chitchats.

Jan 2009
6:16 AM AWST

Side-Trip Ormoc City

Had our side-trip at Ormoc City, a small city by the bay.� Visited the ill-famous lake. Brought with me it's famous delicacy, Moron and a bunch of pineapples.� Departed just in time for the Sinulog '09 celebration via Supercat.� Weather was not good, and the sea was so rough.

Jan 2009
6:09 AM AWST

A Visit toTacloban City

It's my second time to be in Tacloban City; my first was last 2008 during a side-trip visit from Calbayog, Samar.� Our plane had successfully taken off amidst heavy rain and less visibility. Tacloban is a place, simple and quite; yet people are chatty but nice to talk with. Had my walks at their mini plaza, and roamed around the uptown.� Of my wonder, I could not find any souvenir shop somewhere.

jeow201's Profile

  • Username: jeow201
  • Gender / Age: Male, 37
  • Location: Philippines
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