Jeowy Ompad
Jan 2009
6:47 AM AWST
A Try at Embassy Hotel - Butuan City
Arrived at Nasipit, Butuan City early morning via Cebu Ferries.� Proceeded to Embassy Hotel for days of stay.� This hotel is a kind of old woody building that if you are going upstair you could hear the crackling of the entire structure.� You will not be afraid losing all your things than be afraid the whole struture be falling down anytime. It's spacious and clean though.� At midnight, if you are going to roam around alongside the hotel, you could see alot of unlucky harlots waiting for an advantage. They even go upstairs knocking each occupied door for an advantage. Though thinking to try it, but i have resisted myself not to do it - im so afraid!� Hush hush.
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