itsjustme's Journal

Aug 2008
9:35 AM CST

Ever wish you could go in rewind and have do-overs?
Tags: regret
3 comment(s) - 11:44 AM - 08/23/2008

Jul 2008
5:37 AM CST

Wedding Planning, Wedding Planning!�
I never thought I would spend so much money on myself, it just kind of evolved...Oh well, it's OK I guess.� I didn't think that I would get stressed out, but I do.
One minute I'm having fun with it, and the next I'm like "Oh Crap what did I get myself into with all this planning"� I thought it would be easy!� LOL
I've got 2 months and still need bridesmaid dresses, a cake, and a photographer.� I'm starting to panic!
And, from the sounds of it, more and more people ARE planning to come after all.� I was worried about not having 100 people, at least I'm not worried about that anymore.� Its only been 2 wks since invitations were sent and we already have like 40 ppl RSVP'd.

Today is My Birthday!� Happy Birthday to me!� My fiance is taking me out to dinner tonight.� It should be fun.� I want to go shopping, so I think I'll leave work at 3:30 today instead of staying late.� I think I have everything I need caught up.� All this wedding stuff, we are trying not to make a big deal out of the b-day thing.� Just low-key, sometimes that's nice.

Jul 2008
8:47 AM CST

Its Friday and I need a break for a change.

Maybe I'll go have a pedicure.�

I need to quit biting my damn fingernails and let them grow out again.� I'm ruining them.� I want them to be long for the wedding, not all nubby and chewed up!

May 2008
12:52 AM CST

Why does this wedding have to be so stressful.� My Dad is an ass for doing this.� I told him that He and my stepfather would walk me down the aisle and he totally freaked out.� My stepdad pretty much raised me not him...

So in the midst of all of this fighting, I decided to have my brother walk me, neutral ground.

Now my Mom is freaking out on me.� If my stepdad isn't going to do it than there will be no wedding...

Each say they aren't putting me in the middle, I'm ready to call this whole thing off I'm so frustrated.� This isn't fun anymore.� My fiance is ready to run as well.

Everyone just keeps telling me how I hurt their feelings.� I'm trying to do the opposite, keep everyone happy.� I never wanted to have this in the first place, we originally were going to go do it alone.� Then we started planning and all was going GREAT.� And then pisses me off.

I am so pissed off at my DAD for starting this...Why can't he be an adult for one minute of my life!

2 comment(s) - 04:07 PM - 06/11/2008

May 2008
5:41 AM CST

What life experiences have given me a sense of fulfillment or growth?

Hmmm I need to think about that one...Alot has.� I probably need to really think about that, it would probably be good for me.� Lately I've just felt like I'm living in constant chaos.� And its driving me to act depressed and crazy like.� That needs to change.

Mar 2008
5:09 AM CST

Paranoid, Anxious, and Annoyed...

Why is this happening to me?� Could it be my little monthly friend knocking on the door?� Ahhhhh...these feelings seem to run my life sometimes

Sometimes I wish I could just go be alone with myself to work it all out...But, when that chance will come, I'll feel normal again.� It's moments like these, when your forced to put on your� happy face, while inside you feel like bursting into tears....

Mood Swings Suck!��

Jan 2008
9:05 AM CST

All the motivation and no resources...3:30 can't come fast enough today, it doesn't feel like Friday, more like a Monday. My computer hasn't been working at all today, I've been fighting my internet connection and can't even log into the office. I hope its just because of the weather. I have all this paperwork sitting here and I had all day to do it, and all the motivation, but no way to log in and do it. I need a new cord for my printer anyways, they gave me a printerwith no cord to connect to my comp, thus making it useless to me...go figure. I wish I could transfer my other office here. Going back and forth between offices kinda sucks right now. It will get better once I'm all set up out here. I can get more work done out here at least.

RIP Heath Ledger: What a tragedy, it's so sad...

Jan 2008
4:51 AM CST

YAY! I'm getting married. I am so so happy. We've been together for 6 years now, and I just love him like crazy. We really wanted to wait for the right time to do it, and I think we've made a good decision. We want to do something small, and not too expensive. Anybody have any ideas?(DFW area)

Dec 2007
7:44 AM CST

I need a vacation. Something relaxing and quiet. I'm dreaming that I'm at the spa right now...

Oct 2007
3:46 AM CST

I feel like I am way in over my head.

Oct 2007
2:04 AM CST

Why is it that when other people are in a bad mood or all stressed out, that somehow you become pissed off and stressed too? I was in a great mood this morning and now I'm just listening to people bitch. I hate that it's really annoying. I don't like to feel like I'm gonna step on someones toes. Get me out of the middle of this shit. It's stupid.

Jul 2007
8:35 AM CST

Oh wow I am so stressed. I keep feeling like I'm going to mess something up. I guess everyone makes mistakes though. I've been trying my best, but it's the end of the project and we are behind. Nobody's happy right now. Oh well, wish me luck :)

Jun 2007
7:17 AM CST

Well I got my promotion finally. So yes, I'm happier. I got away from the jackasses that were bothering me and am now working with people I like. I do wish I had a little more confidence in myself though. I'm just so scared that I will screw up. Painted my kitchen...that made me happy. I think it turned out pretty good.

May 2007
7:08 AM CST

I just want to know why some people can be so mean sometimes. I was at work and just wanted to cry, I feltlike Icouldn't think. I know that other people's actions shouldn't bother me this much, but it did. My feelings were really hurt and I don't know why I was lashed out at. I'm just feeling a bit down at the moment. It's all words, and that's all it should be. But it still hurt. I can't believe that I let someone turn my day so bad last week. I'm still boggled by it. Anyways, without saying what happened, people can just be pretty mean...especially when its intentional, and you don't even know why.

Apr 2007
1:39 AM CST

I am definetly not a fan of Mondays. I would so much rather be at home today. I can think of a million things I need to do. As for now, I'm just killing time at work. Not really anything for me to do today since people are on vacation.

1 comment(s) - 12:41 PM - 04/16/2007

Apr 2007
3:12 AM CST

Well I started a new project at work yesterday. I guess I am definetly on the road to this promotion. The gears are turning and I have alot more confidence in myself than before. The drive sucks, but it's only for a month. Then I start another project closer to home. I'm just helping out another guy right now.
Someone robbed my house yesterday as well. Stupid people. They busted my gate open and apparently kicked my dog or something. And all they took was a weed eater. They didn't touch the bikes or anything else of value. They did cut a master lock off of our tool trailer, but looks like they got scared off in the process. Well I hope my dog bit a huge chunk out of their asses.

Feb 2007
9:34 AM CST

Ah, so its the end of the day and I am getting ready to go home. I felt kind of good today. Nothing really exciting happened, kind of a noneventful day. Sometime thats a good thing. My dad went to the doctor today, they set his surgery date for 3-9. My grandma isn't doing to well apparently. I really hope she gets better. Really. I know she's having a really tough time though, its like she just crashed. One minute ok the next not at all. I go see the ENT on Mon. Hopefully he can figure out whats wrong before I drive myself crazy. But, OK, enough ramble for today. Bye!

Jan 2007
5:49 AM CST

man, for some reason I feel very wired out. Caffeine gets to me sometimes. Yuck!!!!!!Too much coffee is bad bad bad for me. Anyways. I got in touch with someone I hadn't talked to in like 10 years yesterday. It made me pretty happy. My high school 10 year reunion will be this year and I was originally not going to go, but now I'm rethinking it. I didn't keep in touch with anyone, but now I'm kind of wondering what everyone is doing. I moved to that school when I was a senior, so I figured nobody would remember me, but now I think some would. What do you think? Should I go when it comes up?

Jan 2007
9:47 AM CST

So New Years was interesting. Enough said. Now all is back to normal. Work, go home, work go home....blah blah. Just the usual. Not that that's bad or anything. Its kind of nice to leave the craziness behind for a little while. I need to start working on my house again. We've been tying to remodel the house. We've gotten alot done, but everything seemed to come to a standstill for a while. I'm kind of excited to see it all going again. And for it to be done!

Dec 2006
6:11 AM CST

You know, I'm not usually a stressful person. Maybe its the holidays, maybe its just the transition for me at work. I've been having alot of dreams lately about new beginnings in my life. Maybe this year will be about change for me. Good change. I'm content at the momment. I sat yesterday and looked around, realizing that I really had it good. I live in a decent house, surrounded by nice things. I have a nice car, and a boyfriend who loves me a treats me great. My family and friends are healthy, and my job is working out good. What more should I ask for? Why get upset? I guess you just don't realize the progress you make in your own life until you step back and take a good look. I encourage everyone that reads this to take a look back and ask yourself, "Am I leading myself in the right direction?"

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itsjustme's Profile

  • Username: itsjustme
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: USA - Texas