:.~My Life As A Teenage Monster!~.:

Mar 2008
8:22 AM EDT

March 21, 2008

Hello Pplz. :.I am a teenage monster.: <3 lol. <3

Well, My crazy life..I don't know how to fit it all into a little inboxjournal.com entry! lol.� I'm just starting this whole online journal thing..so if i mess up..o well (=

Today there is no school.. y-a-w-n (=� I plan 2 go 2 the mall today with my great friend and then go see a movie.. btw..i like Girlee movees.. (=

<3 has been a roller coaster for me Wednesday and Thurday...Idk whats going on.. My "bf" Is like ignoring me and everything was great monday and tueday but Im not sure )=

I want a normal life maybe Once a month..everything is just so crammed together..no time 2 sleep..I want like a week off..BUT good news..easter break is coming up soon..but wanna no whats Gay?!?!?!?� Its not till 2 weeks arg..when all da other schools are like this week or next week...my skewl has probs >.<

Its crazy how rumors go around SO fast..like everyday i hear a new rumor bout someone being Lez or Bi or Going out or Breaking a bone or breaking up etc.. and it gets PRETTY frikken annoyin' lol.

I havent mentioned God yet, and i apologize bcz God is a HUGE part of my life! He has helped me so much and helped me get through my pre-teenage monster years! >.< hes really guiding me the right way in life.. (= Well i will talk to ya'll l8tr.. lol.

Byes <3


iluvbandgeekz's Profile

  • Username: iluvbandgeekz
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - California
    ILUVBANDGEEKZ's Interests:

    About Me: I <3 My Life, and God has had a great impact on me in the last few years!! I have a great Bf, awesome Friends, and a loving family! I love you guys! I <3 to laugh, Hang out at school, and to just have fun!! I play flute and piano.. :D

    Interests: Computers, Band, Music, Soccer, Dance..etc

    Favorite Music: Rock or R+B

    Favorite Movies: Bruce Almighty, Luther, Alvin and the Chipmunks, POC ( all), Across the Universe, etc.... :]

    Favorite Television: Simpsons, King Of the Hill, Malcom in the Middle, Reba, My wife and Kids, Ellen, Dr.Phil, Etc :D

    Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Series of Unfortunate Events, Anything by Joan Lowry Nixon, TONS MORE :D