:.~My Life As A Teenage Monster!~.:

Mar 2008
4:28 PM EDT

March 23,2007- Niice Phrases

Here are some quotes i have found/ read... Some of Them are pretty coolioz.


Best Friends
Friends ask why you're crying, but best friends already have
the shovel to bury the meani who made you cry.

Every girl needs her own special to feel beautiful. Whether this day is everyday, once a month, or one day, she doesn't need a
man to tell her she's special.

True Friends
A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second one, and
stops the third tear.


Who Matters?
There comes a point in your life when you realize who really
matters, who never did, and who never will.


Love Hurts
Love is giving someone the ability to hurt and crush you, and
trusting them not to.


I Promise
I promise I'll never forget the day we kissed, or the day we met.
The sky may fall and the stars my too, but in the end, I will still
love you.


First Sight
When I first saw you, I was afraid to meet you.
When I first met you, I was afraid to kiss you.
When I first kissed you, I was afraid to love you.
Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you.


I Do
If you're asking if I need you, the answer is forever.
If you're asking if I'll leave you, the answer is never.
If you're asking what I value, the answer is you.
If you're asking if I love you, the answer is I do

Mar 2008
4:19 PM EDT

March 23,2007 (Omg..Easter!!)

Happy Easter To Everyone!! Omg..He is risen!!!!

Today i went to church, *like always lol* and it was a great service!!� After That my sis in law, her parents, brothers, and my� grandparents came over 2 my house. We had turkey, ham, potaters *lol*, Green Beans, Rolls, Fruit, yum!

Now that everyone has left, I'm relaxing...sigh...zzzzz... =_=

I just wanna go swimming right now, like its seriously 10000000 degrees outside!!! Today i just figured out that <3333 isnt a heart with a bunch of threes!

When you look sideways, its actually a bunch of hearts connected! lolz. blonde me, i never noticed!!

Well, ttyl...I will post later if anything exciting happens, im sure nothing will (=



�Ps. Omg I saw Horton Hears a Who yesterday at the movies!! (= it was actually a really really great movie...lolz ive never been this busy in a weekend. lolz ttya'll latter!!! luvluvluv!

Mar 2008
8:42 AM EDT

March 22, 2008

Omg.. I'm listening to two great songs right now!

Sufjan Stevens- Casimir Pulaski Day

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdfiXdrmXA8 ( vid.. its kinda bad quality tho)

http://lyrics.lyr-x.com/6073/ (lyrics)

�R.E.M-At my most beautiful����

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVhm0ePCjis (vid)


They just have so much Feeling... <3 I really like love songs lolz.� Yesterday was probably one of the funnest day EVER!!� I went to the mall with 4 really nice girls...�

We went to Charolette Rouge, Forever 21, The apple store, Orange Julius, Claires, Icing, Victoria Secret...etc

It was really funny tho because in abercrombie ( we didn't go in there)� there was a poster with a bunch of guys in a field and one u could see his buttcrack! lolz, i took a pic with it!!!!!!!!!! roflz (]=

After that i watched the movie enchanted and ate 6 zillion candies/ popcorn...YuM!

=( Enchanted made me miss my bf even more )= I hope everything will be ok when we get back to school on Monday =(


Excited for a 3 day weekend! Woot ( =

Mar 2008
8:22 AM EDT

March 21, 2008

Hello Pplz. :.I am a teenage monster.: <3 lol. <3

Well, My crazy life..I don't know how to fit it all into a little inboxjournal.com entry! lol.� I'm just starting this whole online journal thing..so if i mess up..o well (=

Today there is no school.. y-a-w-n (=� I plan 2 go 2 the mall today with my great friend and then go see a movie.. btw..i like Girlee movees.. (=

<3 has been a roller coaster for me Wednesday and Thurday...Idk whats going on.. My "bf" Is like ignoring me and everything was great monday and tueday but Im not sure )=

I want a normal life maybe Once a month..everything is just so crammed together..no time 2 sleep..I want like a week off..BUT good news..easter break is coming up soon..but wanna no whats Gay?!?!?!?� Its not till 2 weeks arg..when all da other schools are like this week or next week...my skewl has probs >.<

Its crazy how rumors go around SO fast..like everyday i hear a new rumor bout someone being Lez or Bi or Going out or Breaking a bone or breaking up etc.. and it gets PRETTY frikken annoyin' lol.

I havent mentioned God yet, and i apologize bcz God is a HUGE part of my life! He has helped me so much and helped me get through my pre-teenage monster years! >.< hes really guiding me the right way in life.. (= Well i will talk to ya'll l8tr.. lol.

Byes <3


iluvbandgeekz's Profile

  • Username: iluvbandgeekz
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - California
    ILUVBANDGEEKZ's Interests:

    About Me: I <3 My Life, and God has had a great impact on me in the last few years!! I have a great Bf, awesome Friends, and a loving family! I love you guys! I <3 to laugh, Hang out at school, and to just have fun!! I play flute and piano.. :D

    Interests: Computers, Band, Music, Soccer, Dance..etc

    Favorite Music: Rock or R+B

    Favorite Movies: Bruce Almighty, Luther, Alvin and the Chipmunks, POC ( all), Across the Universe, etc.... :]

    Favorite Television: Simpsons, King Of the Hill, Malcom in the Middle, Reba, My wife and Kids, Ellen, Dr.Phil, Etc :D

    Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Series of Unfortunate Events, Anything by Joan Lowry Nixon, TONS MORE :D