giovani74's Journal

Jul 2007
4:13 PM EDT

Danielle agreed to the 2 loan acct. So I guess the wedding is still on and all is well. I'm gonna put a down payment on Mafolies soon and wrap up this long charade. Hopefully Danielle and I will sleep better and we can get to more wedding activities. It's a lot of work to be done like coordinating hotels,flights & wedding party. This won't be a grand scale wedding but it will be NICE. Danielle is a Bridezilla in-waiting with out a doubt. I'm sure i'll be writing about her behavior in later journal entries.. Stay tune as the saga continues. -- On another note, this is Danielle's birthday and we had a good day today. Since we have been together for 6 years we really don't spend overwhelming amount of dollars on ones birthday but we do enjoy ourselves. We had a nice linner (lunch and dinner) and she got a massage and I bought a delicious cake and a few presents. All in all it was a great day.

giovani74's Profile

  • Username: giovani74
  • Gender / Age: Male, 50
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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