flopus66's Journal

Mar 2007
1:07 PM EDT

I'm just recovering from the weekend still. after saturday with tyler, snowboarding and the girls' dinner, I worked with jeff for about most of sunday and monday. We shot in this huge mansion above santa monica that had one of the best views i've come across here. You could see catalina island and downtown la and even the mountains behind. it was a stand out beautiful day and so where the models and hosts. The view was also increadible during night. the guys who lived there seemed like a bunch of kids like us, just everyone was someone. one guy wrote for Law and Order, another ran one of the top selling dub wheel companies, another did top advertising. it was even crazier that each one was amazingly cool. they cooked us fish tacos, got us beer and were eager to help out. amazing guys and invited us to party with them for st. patties. I'm worried about having to choose between tyler and the guys jeff and the mansion. the shoot went forever and i was blown away by how much jeff works, when after we got back, he immediately sits down and starts working on his photos. Monday we shot in huntington and a TV crew from USA came to film us. we had three girls and spent half the day watching them set up the show for jeff's interview. this angle, now this angle, now again. it was so lengthy. I was a little annoyed when they asked me to back out of a few of the shots since i was under the impression that they would interview me too and then i wasn't even included in the 'set up' shots. i got over it pretty quick though and started wondering if i even wanted to shoot this type of photography. I have to find out what i really do want to shoot.

flopus66's Profile

  • Username: flopus66
  • Gender / Age: Male, 45
  • Location: USA