flopus66's Journal
Mar 2007
12:57 AM EDT
This weekend has been packed with fun. today Tyler and I went snowboarding, getting up at 5 in the morning. for some reason, as we were drinking a little and going to taco surf the night before, we thought: we should drink ourselves to sleep. worst idea EVER. the ride there was awful, but the snow was some of the best i've ridden on and was companied with some of my best rides ever. starting to get real good at jumps. we rushed home to barely make it in time to get ready for sara and meghans employee diner where phil and i laughed our asses off the whole time. food was great, dancing and met some wonderful people. including another photographer who was on custom made crutches (spray painted) because he hurt himself doing a 'flying crotch thrust' needless to say we got along great.
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Male, 45
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