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flopus66's Journal
Jan 2007
10:55 PM EDT
I've been back for almost a month now and it's still hard. Saddest thing is that I feel like i've lost a lot of the travel feeling and have almost assimilated back into the L.A. life. Yet, I still look around with pain to see everyone so busy, so modern, yet still so unhappy compared to people over in Australia and New Zealand, but mainly Thailand. I met an extraordinary person today. He's my new professor and he actually got fairly deep and philosophical from his own personal life. I could read the separation from others he was going through... it's the same look i see in the mirror, and proving me right, he started talking about how he just got back from a secluded area. How Trader Joes was where it really hit him when he got back: he just got back from a place were he used coconut shells as a stove for the only type of bread available and here in the States he has access to 12 different types all ready for him. He nailed what had been escaping me in the form of words: The biggest thing was the people. people here can ignore you, treat you different, see you as something other than human. when you're in a group, you feel judgment, a slight 'on guard' no matter how small it is at the back of your head for worry of social criticism. Over there you're another soul, sharing your time. it doesn't matter what you're wearing or whatnot, you're just there. These types of people are so full, yet have so little possessions. He said he feels more human from his travel, but not to worry because his egotistical self was going to come out in a couple of weeks when it wore off. I had to agree in full understanding and sadness.
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