Quote of the day "The mother of excess is not joy but joylessness." - Friedrich Nietzsche Universe entry of the day The funny thing, Ed, is that in spite of the euphoria one feels upon entering paradise, cloaked in miracles, surrounded by angels, love, and unimaginable beauty, it gradually becomes all they know, commonplace, ordinary, and then, shockingly... invisible. Yep, I'm talking about life on earth. Yippee Kai-Ye, -The Universe- Journal entry of the day Love, love, love, da-da-da, love, love, love, etc., etc. Famous and great song. The longer I ponder it the more I relize and believe that the root of God and all things good is love. God is love is a Christian concept and the only religion on the planet to make this proclamation. Dr. Wayne Dyer quoted someone who said, "The only difference between good and God is "o" or nothing. There is no difference. We are all capable of God like qualities if we share love.
Thought / Quote of the day Do I ever pretend to be something I'm not? If I do, why am I doing it? Universe entry of the day Some folks, not having lived perhaps as much as you, endured as much, or loved as much, simply cannot see the truth of a situation, disagreement, or relationship as clearly as you. And so, it's wise to keep in mind, Ed, that it's not their fault. Can you see this? -The Universe- Journal entry of the day What if we were to stop the excuses and get up 2-3 hours a day earloer than we are right now. Where would we be in 3 years of we did this? So, we've been up since 4 am. Yoga first and then to journaling, maybe later we'll nap for a bit, but right now we are in the top 1% of all income earners in the world. We are up and out and productive! What's your plan for being in a different place 3, 5 10 years from now? How can I assist you in that process?
Quote of the day "Research by Robert Emmons, a psychology professor at the UC Davis, found that people encouraged to keep 'gratitude journals' were far more satisfied with their lives than those who weren't encouraged to accentuate the positive." Universe entry of the day Nothing is left to chance, Ed. The choreography of players and circumstances is plotted with mind-numbing precision. Gigantic forces of attraction are activated and engaged. The odds for your inevitable success begin skyrocketing. And every second of every day is calibrated and recalibrated... whenever you remember to visualize. Who loves you, baby? -The Universe- Journal entry of the day SHIT, I used to hear that all the time on NY radio on Thursdays. So happy it's Thursday. Same ole, same ole. People wishing their lives away not enjoying the moments. I'll admit, it's something I've been guilty of. On our recent bi-annual excursion to see the grandparents, I found myself enjoying the process. Usually, as soon as I hit the car seat, I am wishing I was there. This time, I enjoyed the ride, really, I did. I enjoyed my kids, the stops along the way and I have to say, it made 13 hours seem not so bad. Stop right now and give thanks for where you are, for everything you have and pause and say thank you, to whomever you thank you to. Send soemone a card, a note or just pick up the phone and call them, surprise them.
Quote of the day
"Better stop short than fill to the brim. Oversharpen the blade, and the edge will soon blunt. Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it. Claim wealth and titles, and disaster will follow. Retire when the work is done. This is the way of heaven." - Tao Te Ching
Universe entry of the day
One of the most comforting thoughts of all, Ed, is knowing that all roads lead "home."
Even more comforting, is understanding that you never left.
From all of us "back" home,
-The Universe-
Journal entry of the day
Why do we feel as Americans that everything needs a negative spin on it. We live for the weekend. Hump day is the benchmark for being halfway to the weekend. I cna't even watch the local news anymore. It's all bad news. It's designed to get you to watch the commercials. They even play up the weather, "I'll tell you all about the weeekend and what to expect, tonight at 11". C'mon, gimme a break. I can't stay up till eleven. The one thing I can and willwatch is the weather channle. Just straight talk about the weather and no fluff, gotta love it.
I am in the midst of a firestorm of work after being free to raom for several year. I find it strangely rewarding to be immersed in something I truly am poassionate about. I have never had that before. I've made money and done some work. But, never before have I felt I was going to really emote change in me and others as well. Never before have i felt like i was really sitting on something huge, that could change the world. MaxGXL and MaxWLX have rocked my relaity and shifted my paridigms. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months will bring.
Are you truly passionate about what you do. Do you jump out of bed in the morning because you can't wait to see where the day will take you?
Quote of the day "He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away." - Raymond Hull Universe entry of the day If you just whistle every now and then, Ed; skip every thousandth step or so; skim the odd stone across the odd pond; go dancing on the occasional blue moon, if only alone in the dark; dress up sometimes, even with nowhere to go... for simply stirring up some little bit of hope, no matter how silly or disconnected your actions seem to be with the rest of the world, magic flashes in the unseen, friends are summoned, connections are timed, stars are aligned, opportunities are crystallized and serendipities are calculated, creating possibilities for new realities that cannot now even be imagined from where you presently stand. Shazaam -The Universe- Journal entry of the day Rock on. A phrase as old as rock and roll itself I would guess. Went to bed sorta late last night yet found myself jumping out of bed to meet the day at 6am. MaxGXL has been very good to me of late. The only thing I really need to make a point of is finding time, (30 mintues or so), to step away and excercise. I can find time for all sorts of nonsense, why not time for health and wellness? So, why rock on? Why not? Rock on is something that gives me strength and fills me with optimism. It is a pphrase that can end a conversation or rally the spirit. I've probably been saying it or a variation of it for a 1/4 century, amazing. The core of optimism, rock on. Hey man, great job, rock on. To rock, to celebrate to show exuberance. Yee haa! Rock on.
Quote of the day "A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone." - Henry David Thoreau Universe entry of the day Arguments are won intellectually, Ed; not love. Tallyho -The Universe- Journal entry of the day I got a call fairly early this am. It was from a guy named Larry from Delaware. I sent out a 3-minute video to everyone on my contact list yesterday. It was a 3-minute video from Jim Rohn. The video was/is a brief snapshot of all of Jim Rohn's philosophies and beliefs respective of personal development. I liked it, it didn't have any strings attached to it, so I shared it. Larry liked it. He called to thank me. We both forgot how we met and were introduced. We spent the next few minutes extolling the virtues of what we do for a living and the opportunity we have in front of us. People remind me of why I love this business. People. I love this business for what it makes me and what it it makes the people who encounter and embrace it. Who are you going to help today? And why?
Quote Of The Day "An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - M.K. Gandhi Universe Entry Of The Day Has it occurred to you that you could ask for more? Not just more than what you now have, but more than you're now asking for? This is why I'm HOT -The Universe- Journal Entry Of The Day So things sometimes move along a lot faster than any of us could have planned for. I mean, we've all probably been part of the drama of sudden death or tragedy of some capacity. Although things seem like slow motion, hind sight tells us those times fly by. I am immersed in my own life and I find myself stopping and forcing myslef to appreciate what's actually happening. Things are unfolding at a rapid rate and they are good things. Money is beginning to boil over like I planned and that is always a good thing. I am practicing discipline and looking for order as always. I am in search of the peace that comes from no thought or meditation. I always realize that discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons. MaxGXL has given me a new lease on life. I feel amazing and my body feels 10 - 15 years younger. Nancy and I just started MaxWLX this week and we are ever optimistic that it will change our world. It's a Friday, the world is your oyster. What are you going to do with your weekend?
Quote of the day: "If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery Universe Entry of the day: Ten thousand years from now, Ed, your presence will still be felt, your name will still be whispered, and your goodness will still be expanding. And that's just for the stuff you've already done! You're a supa-star, The Universe Journal entry of the day So, I've been busy the last few dyas. Really busy. Probably busier than I've been in the last few years to be honest. Guess what? You know the answer, it feels great, that's what! I am busy, busy, busy promoting Max International, and the products they produce, MaxGXL and MaxWLX. We have created this wave of momentum and are not looking back. It's been a long time since I went dog at it from 6am - 12 midnight. Barely eating and not feeling tired is a really nice feeling. We have the lifestyle we deisre, we get up when we want, work when we want and play when we want. Want some of this too?
I paid for some coaching years agon with a gentleman by the name of James Mapes.� I had seen James while in Cancun and he lived so near to me at the time, I thought it would be great if I could coach with him.�
We met a few times and I had some really neat breakthroughs.�� The one thing he gave me as an everlasting gift was an expression.�
Isn't that interesting?
He encouraged me to carry it with me and whenever I was able, use it.�� So, when I found myself using langauge in a certain, or predjudices surfaced, even when anger or other weird emotions popped up, I would think and actually say, "Isn't that interesting".�
Years later it still serves me.� I'll admit that soemtimes life goes by incredibilly fast and I forget to stop and think, I just react.� But more often than not anymore I am able to briefly pause and think, isn't that interesting.��
So, what's eating away at you from the inside, what causes you to react and not act?
Ever have the stars align and then your internal compass tries to sabotage that?
I had the stars from 6 months of work align in the last 48 hours and I feel my body and my constitution objecting.� The cool thing about personal growth and self awareness is I recognize that.� I am able to reject the emotions and am able to work through it.
It's actually a pretty cool breakthrough.� Before I would have chucked it up to just being sick.� Now I knwo it's always something underlyying.
I napped twice to shake the physical effects and i have eaten well and drank lots of fluids and i am managing to tackle the day.
Big night tonight and big day tomorrow.� I am excited to meet new people and excited we can help each other change the world.
Dreams come less vividly when I sleep lightly.� I had been sleeping deeply of late and my dreams are "Living Color", WILD!!!!
Kids are driving Nancy crazy on Summer vacation.� It's interesting how much time we spend with our kids.� Our parents never spent this much time with any of us.
Statistically speaking, Ed, the odds do not look good... "Hey, just remember to love yourself no matter what happens."
Spiritually speaking, well... let's see... "Ooh, la, la! Where did you get that tan?! Is that your passport? You know Prince Charles?!"
Just so you know which side of the fence to play on.
Thoughts become things, ����The Universe
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Do you know why koala bears are so cute, Ed? Why ospreys dance in flight? Why cheetahs run so fast? Arctic terns fly so far? Flowers smell so good? Blueberries taste so blue? Butterflies flit? Parrots talk? Whales sing? And doves coo?
Because I was having fun. Which is my greatest wish for you in all you do.
You can, ����The Universe
I was looking for a solution to begin my journaling that was easy.� I was in that dream state early the other morning and I thought, “wouldn’t it be great if there was an online journal that would remind and prompt me to journalâ€.� Well here we go. �It is my intention to leave some type of legacy for my children and anybody who cares to read or listen.���Discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs a ton.� (Jim Rohn)� I don’t regret anything, but I do struggle with the simple disciplines sometimes.� It’s easy to stay in bed, or eat those extra bites, etc,etc. It is my intention to blog/diary/journal every day even if its to say I am grateful for……….�
Today I am superbly grateful for all that I am and all that I am capable of becoming.� I am proud of my beautiful children and accept the challenge that comes with raising them as a gift.� I am thankful for my faith and the ability to explore and discover more. Most of all, I am thankful for this moment, right here, right now and how great it is to be in the moment.� I am awash with joy over that. There is no before or after, only now.� Praise be for the ability to grow and change my thoughts.�����