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dave's Journal
Oct 2006
1:44 AM EDT
Been a few days so as much as I have been up to. HOLY SHIT...Yesterday my exwife wife called me at work and says that my daughter woke up crying for Lisa my girlfriend. Un like her she continues to tell me that she wants to know if Lisa would like to spend time with her...huh????What alternative motive is my ex up to??? Makes Lisa and I nervous due to the fact just last week just was getting up set because she thought Lisa was stepping in as the new mommy role. Now just due to a parenting class that we attended for the divorce she has changed. I just can't trust her. She seems that she means well but my ex has the past of always trying to get rid of the kids so that she can PARTY. Should I trust her? NOPE. I will go with the flow but Lisa and I are on the defense and refuse to let those shields down un til she proves more that she is doing her deeds for good not evil. Not that I mind having my duaghter. I love her to the end of the earth but I have continously taken advatage of my my ex. Not to mention all the people she has hurt since Lisa and I have been together. God please let this be good!!!
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dave's Profile
Gender / Age:
Male, 49
USA - Arizona
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DAVE's Interests:
About Me:
Divorsed 30 year old father of two. my daughter age two that brightens my world every day and my stepson the football star who makes me more proud every day that he is near.
Spending time with my kids and coaching youth football. Watching NFL on sundays(GO COWBOYS). Spending much loving times with my new love Lisa. Thanks baby for making me strong!
Favorite Music:
hard and classic rock. Garth Brooks rocks as well and don't mind a bit of R&B for some fun dancing at the club.
Favorite Movies:
Ace Ventura 1$2. War movies. Big on any comedy. 1941 one of the best ever.
Favorite Television:
FOOTBALL!!!! and love watching old comedy sidcoms. COPS.
Favorite Books:
Anything with pictures. Not much of a reader but give me an autobiography on good people and I'll read it.
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