darkgal23's Journal

May 2008
8:40 AM EDT

happy day~^^


i�go to song house~^^haha~

the second time le~^^so happy~

his family so cute~especially song's mother~^^so cute~

and his bro and sis~

i stay at his home almost the whole day~

studying lo~(study a bit only==play more~haha)

i like his family so much~^^but affraid they dun like me== feel so weird facing them==

so happy today~^^

haha~we have our dinner together~i eat so fast o==i also dunno how come i can eat so fast==

feel the distance between us are getting closer~^^like this~

cant wait for the next time~^^

today song ask me about our relation ship~

actually wat is the relation between us leh? friend?best friend?best best best best friend?............or couple?

i tell my self, friend will be the one always there.....but today.........my heart shake a bit le........

off course my thoughts wont change.........becoz all my experience told me tat couple never last......

when u r couples.......u will start to feel jealous, and then u will feel sad and angry when u see him near with other girls.........

then u will start to be angry with him and�all the quarrel�will appear......both will have arguement for every little small thing........like u should do this and not that ....wat ever......

then u will tide him by your side and start to tell him wat to do and not to�do and even�choose evrything for him.........this is bad, that is good........

if he dun listen........u will feel angry and he will feel angry too........

and yet, u will start to compare each other with other ppl..........and then u will feel confuse to continue this relation ship......

then at last.......there will be the end of this relation..........

but friend is different......

when u are friend, u dun have the ability to jealous, to�tide him by your side........

you cant tell him wat to do and wat cant do........

u cant tide him nor lock him in ur cage........

the only thing u can do is advise and encourage~

he still can has his freedom and�u can have yours~

there wont be a lock to lock both off u~

and when u need each other~for sure u both can be together~ maybe sit for a while and have a cup of tea can give u the comfort feeling~

friend wont give u stress but only happy and warm~

thats y i dun wan to be couples........

and yet.......if we become couples.......i dunno how long the relation can be keep.......i�scare........

dun wan our relation become worse.......

just want to give u a nice and warm and memorable time before u go to�USA..........

*baby......sorry�o............lost ur pencil.........ur favourite pencil........

i am really sorry.........

1 comment(s) - 10:55 AM - 08/31/2008

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  • Username: darkgal23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: Malaysia
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