cutieemuffin's Journal

Mar 2007
6:44 AM EDT

heyy!! well things have been goin ok... the power went out this mornin soo we had an hour delay for school!!!! yayyy! but really there is not anything new here!!! but anyways, i hate it when people are all sayn what they think when really you dont wanna listen but you do anyways just to be nice. thank god its thursday cause that means that tomorrow is friday! its gunna be a relaxin one though and i think that soemtime you need that. usually on fridays we party but not this one. were just gunna hanhout and enjoy the relaxiation( i dont even think thats a word but who cares!!!) but really thats about it... so im just gunna go and see what else there is to do today!!!!!

cutieemuffin's Profile

  • Username: cutieemuffin
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Ohio
    CUTIEEMUFFIN's Interests:

    About Me: Im Jess and i am 16. I am a junior at Struthers High School. Its pretty boring here but you can always find something to do to amuse yourself!!!

    Interests: For funn I like to hangout with friends. I like to shop soetimes when I have the money( honestly isnt all that often). Really thats about it theres not that much to do but you have to make the best of it!

    Favorite Music: Really I like a variety of things. I like some country, rock, and well everything. I love Panic! at the disco, Hinder, and bands like that. I love to just listen to music but its a million times better to see the bands live!!!!!

    Favorite Movies: I love watchin movies..... Im not too big on the scary ones but I love watchin them... they just scare me wayyyy tooo bad! I love the cute movies tooo. like the chic flicks or a cute movie that can make you laugh and cry at the same time!

    Favorite Television: I love Law and order SVU. thats like my all time fav. show on tv but i also liek 7th heven, gilmore girls, and some stuff on mtv. i havnt watched that much tv lately though....

    Favorite Books: I really like reading.... I like books about people with lots of troubles, prolly cause I dont have that many problems soo its interesting to read about others struggles and how things worked out for them!