confusedgirl101's Journal

Jul 2007
12:01 AM EDT

hey ya'll! its one a.m.! holy cow! well anyways...i just got back from my vaca wich was SUPER FUN! i went to disney land newport and sandiego! woohoo! fun fun fun! i got so many new clothes its hard to keep up! But, i just gave away a bunch of my crap clothes that were too small or just plan ugly. i gave it to those people whos houses and stuff burned down :( anyways if u wanna here the dets bout my vaca coment! well l8r! ttyl!
1 comment(s) - 10:48 PM - 07/14/2007

confusedgirl101's Profile

  • Username: confusedgirl101
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - California
    Photo Album

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    CONFUSEDGIRL101's Interests:

    About Me: iM a girl! lol

    Interests: soccer swiming and DANCE W/ Cim!

    Favorite Music: hip hop rap and pop!

    Favorite Movies: The notebook tear tear!

    Favorite Television: ummmmm.... i LIKED the OC! And i LIKED Gilmore Girls! But now they're canceled! :( now i watch the Office but the season just ended!

    Favorite Books: Read bras and broomsticks or the Georgia Nicolson (SP) series!