confused's Journal

Feb 2007
4:28 PM EDT

Okay i HATE Valentines Day right?! i really do. i think its dumb to have a holiday to celebrate how much you love someone. its like, you should show them you love them because you want to not because you have to. i dont want my boyfriend to buy me a present because he has to..or because its a holiday and he thinks he needs i want him to..because he wants to..and not just on the holiday. any day, for any random reason!...but unfortunately he's getting me something anyway. i told him not to...but agh he didnt listen haha..oh well. okay so i know he wont read this so i dont care ill write what i'm thinking...kinda... alright i really dont know what to get him! ugh! well i mean i already got him this good smelling cologne..i like it a lot..i got him a teddy bear which is holding a heart..i made him a card and im making him cookies...i'm freakin cause i dont think its enough. i mean okay like i do...because he and i havent dated very long at all...but i dont because he keeps on telling me how much im going to love what he got me..and im like well shoot..please stop..he said he got me three things...and he spent a lot of money and i dont want him to!! ahhhhh haha! im freaking out!!! alright this one is lame! but whatever! im done!
3 comment(s) - 07:04 PM - 03/06/2007
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  • Username: confused
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - Ohio