confused's Journal

Mar 2007
5:39 PM EDT

i seem to only post when i have problems..but w/e... i have a boyfriend...we've only been dating for a ex boyfriend asked me to prom..i said yes..because my current boyfriend cant go..ya know and my from Germany..he leaves this summer to go back...i said yes because he and i talked about going b4...and well i dont really like either of them ...i think i kinda like my ex ex boyfriend...gah i know i sound very sleezy...but i swear im not! im staying with my current boyfriend...i do like just being im getting ready to start my period..i dont think straight then!
1 comment(s) - 01:55 PM - 05/09/2007

Feb 2007
6:33 PM EDT

everything in a shitty boyfriend has been getting on my GD nerves! and i just want to scream! :D

Feb 2007
5:34 PM EDT

oh my god! today has been crazy!!...k wake up..whatever, my ride didnt stop at speedway so i didnt get my cappuccino, ridiculous, um get to school see my boyfriend, but then he has a field trip thing, so i didnt get to see him until after school, and it was cool, then he said some girl was hot, said i was ugly...whatever whatever though i know he was just kidding, or whatever it was still like a slap in the face. then his ex psycho girlfriend kept walking past us giving the meanest looks. she hates me with a deep fiery passion and i hate it be cause its like grow up!i honestly felt like crying. because then i looked at her and was like you know shes really skinny..really pretty...beautiful..k no not beautiful shes kind of icky...but like not ugly not fat by any means...i mean im not 5'3..i have no clue how much i weigh if i were to guess i'd say...125...which im working on losing some weight...but w/ an athlete i run track..its my runs in the family..always has..i plan on running in college...okay well of course all true sprinters have muscles...defined beautiful legs.mine are defined..and too big for my friend tells me im being stupid...that im not fat im not w/e...but she's my best friend..she has to tell me that...well then i come home...the computer is being shitty...virus's and such..and i have a research paper due..and an outline and notecards..all due tomorrow...oh my gosh! and my moms like oh no cant get like MOM i HAVE to..and w/e..(obviously i got on right)... well my dad who is a major DICK almost all the time...was being one again..alright the only thing i eat at home is peanut butter sandwiches because i love peanut butter...well we have two jars in the cabinet..and yesterday my dad took one got a spoon and just began eating out of it!! YUCK!!!...and he's been sick too! breathing really loud through his annoying...well then tonight he took the OTHER jar and began eating out of just with a spoon! its sick! okay...well i go into the CP room and was like mom next time i need my own jar of peanut dad FREAKED..i walked into the kitchen he followed through the spoon at the sink..missed it went on the other side of the island thing..then he opened the cabinet and through the jar in..of course if you throw a jar as hard as you wont stay bounced out as well as some other things...okay my'2...240lbs...he played football back in the day..ran track..wrestled...i mean he's a sporty kinda guy and so obviously he has muscles and is big..and when he gets mad..its usually scary...any more im like fuck it! i dont even care! i just stare him down! but today i ignored him..came in the other room and cried...ughh its driving me nuts!! i blame it on Valentines day! because! it sucks and is making me sad!! i hate vday!! but i dont want to! i want to be happy...ha..we'll see..

Feb 2007
4:28 PM EDT

Okay i HATE Valentines Day right?! i really do. i think its dumb to have a holiday to celebrate how much you love someone. its like, you should show them you love them because you want to not because you have to. i dont want my boyfriend to buy me a present because he has to..or because its a holiday and he thinks he needs i want him to..because he wants to..and not just on the holiday. any day, for any random reason!...but unfortunately he's getting me something anyway. i told him not to...but agh he didnt listen haha..oh well. okay so i know he wont read this so i dont care ill write what i'm thinking...kinda... alright i really dont know what to get him! ugh! well i mean i already got him this good smelling cologne..i like it a lot..i got him a teddy bear which is holding a heart..i made him a card and im making him cookies...i'm freakin cause i dont think its enough. i mean okay like i do...because he and i havent dated very long at all...but i dont because he keeps on telling me how much im going to love what he got me..and im like well shoot..please stop..he said he got me three things...and he spent a lot of money and i dont want him to!! ahhhhh haha! im freaking out!!! alright this one is lame! but whatever! im done!
3 comment(s) - 07:04 PM - 03/06/2007

confused's Profile

  • Username: confused
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - Ohio