chanduliar's Journal

Apr 2007
8:54 AM CST

So.. this dude from class he still buggin me a little but I mean .... It has to be him? I guess I more ticked off cause he thinks I should be in an inpatience hospital. i don't know but it still fucks with me.Also I have been thinking about me counsler AMIEE... with her cup of what evre she is drinking. Alswasy nodding her head and sitting all pretty... This whole thing is stressin me out I guess... Soon ward to other things .. Yesterday I was in a god mood. I went shopping. Got furniture... but I had a head ach. Adn thursday I had a head ack and today also.. i don't knw if it is computer or what but it is driving me nuts. So I went shopping and got a little weird toward the evening timeYou know when you hair on yur back or neck feels like it is growing and turns in to an animal or something i knw it weird but i had to get home and Was very sad of sorts. I just thought well I crash out which didn't happen till 4 or 5 while my friends were at my house. And start the day new tomarrow. Which is today well, Today is worst then yesterday. O woke up to maple sauge smell which didn't bother but when i was talking w/ my roomate whichi haven't seen since last week.... I got the feeling that he doesn't like living with me. this set the mood for the day. I just wanted to cry so bad and i don't know why. Not like he was being rude or anything but it hurt my feeling to the point even writing makes me want to cry. So ... I told no one who is ther to tell. So I stay in my mind again. Well... after that most of the day i have been very hyper thoughts about Tobey and Chase(My little girl) everything is just sad, and my mind is like makeing list of this and that of what I need to do but I don't the energy or the will.. definatinally got the want but just going up the stairs at my friends house just made my body want to pass out or at least just fall to the ground and lay there and cover my eyes and cry cry cry... For what ...? hmmm Sad I know ... but if you look at me walking down the streeet.. you see a perfectly matching girl frm her dog clothes to what she is wearning makeup .. everything looks cute. but inside i I feel like a dyiing and rotten prune. So ... What to do i stcck in my head

2 comment(s) - 12:17 AM - 04/16/2007

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  • Username: chanduliar
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: USA - Texas
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