chanduliar's Journal

Apr 2007
7:45 PM CST

Well,I back as they say,andIt looks as if I haven't wrote in bout two months.Well sorry to the readers but I been an emotional wreak. You know this already man....! So I am in thearpy, It been... ummm.. not so much hard but lets say.....uniquely different. All w/ the people and just graping a hold on the experience of the life turning, world changing eventI have embarked my selfupan. So this is the first week and i have cried everyday,just like any other day.So I have this counsler that i just met last week, in whichI thoughtI was going tohave this other girl, for sercuity reasons lets call my counsler AAMIE, and NowI letting all the feeling andI doing all this talking and.... it like whoaaa!!! Hold up nelly... beforeI know Itaking a drug test and telling her crap thats like "Hey, where crystal go" I don't talk expecally to a stranger that is a girl. But hey what a girl going to do? this is soppost to be what the saying life changing. All in all it been good,I think.. I might not even know what I have gotten my self into. So I go three times a week and in this wek I have group everytime and 1 one on one w/ AAMIE. Well today group was difficault mostly because when I went in to do my one on one w/ AAMIE she started the day by mind fucking me. She does this well.... I must say casueI sat at the daily grind for the next three hours trippin and then group and This one guy that I sat next to one the first day... Which in my world would of been the guy i bonded w/ first just causehe quite and you can see he is a thinker... I don't know something about him Anyways He go to do his check in and He start to say how he had this extremly bad bad and That One reaso is cause of Me!! Yes I know MEEEEE!!! CauseI share I was in the club and gave a little of my background... yada yad yada... So it was hard seeing this butI should be use to it causeFirst judge ment... I hate this... Iwas pissed but yet I didnot say nothig I sure something will come of this more later in the weeks to come. I relate to all but .. Still no one close to being like me so We will seee I will be chatting throughtout the weekend. 47 ( my time entry is going to expire) late

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  • Username: chanduliar
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: USA - Texas
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