casper's Journal
Jun 2009
4:55 AM EDT
hmmm well I have worked out hard all week got a grueling training session from a trainer and I repeated it every other day since. today is my rest day but I'm feeling restless and it may rain later so I'm getting ready to go out for a bike ride. I weighed myself every other day and have lost 1 lb since monday (BIG BOO HOO) I'm also about to start my period not sure if some of that is water retention but for as much as I sweat this week I should be dehydrated! I do feel bloated today though. Let's see what the scale says my trainer wanted me to shoot for 4 lbs a week. we will see. it usually takes me about 10 days before I loose anything I should be losing by now. I'm frustrated.
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- 02:01 PM - 06/19/2009
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Gender / Age:
Female, 45
USA - New York
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