casper's Journal

Jun 2009
3:28 AM EDT

DAY 2 1367 calories consumed

Yesterday I consumed 283 calories more than my BMR of 1323. I'm hoping my workout and daily activities created enough of a defecit. ... I'll weigh myself today at the gym

Went to my gym CHINATOWN�YMCA: ok I weighed 119 so at least I did not gain. I jumped rope for 10 mins then did step ups holding the basketball over head to get my heart rate up and get good and warmed up.

then I shot hoops for an hour. was not high intensity but it was definitely fun and I moved, kept my heart rate elevated with quick bursts of speed (to chase ball) jumping when shooting and constantly moving.

In the PM I went to the ghetto gym HAMILTON FISH: did the lifecycle stepper for 1 hour straight at a fat buring intensity which I steadily increased the speed on throughout. then I did some ab work and read a trash magazine.

came home and had a recovery shake then went to bed to read asleeo by 1030.

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casper's Profile

  • Username: casper
  • Gender / Age: Female, 45
  • Location: USA - New York